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MSFS20 MSFS2020 New Airport Glideslope and DME setting problem

Hello everyone,

In FSX, I designed a private airport between the mountains with ADE. I wanted to make the same airport in Msfs2020. Before moving on to the objects of the scene such as polygons, terrain leveling, taxiways, aprons, buildings, I wanted to design the positions and frequencies of the runways without any problems.

There is an idiom in Turkish such as "to dig a well with a needle". I've been trying to make scenery by digging a well with a needle for 2 weeks. However, I cannot progress. Because there are not enough helpful resources and documents on the internet. SDK tutorial is very very inadequate.

The runway I want to design is runway 35 – 17.
When I run the ILS tests of the rw17 runway with the C-172 G1000, this is what happens (Pic : 1) :
* When Apr is activated, the aircraft catches the ils frequency of rw17 (IL02) 110.80 and automatically returns to the signal.
* However, although the aircraft is turning in the rw17 direction, it cannot read a signal of the glideslope.
* Likewise, it cannot read the dme frequency and does not give distance information.
* In the object.xml file, I tried changing the magvar value to 330, 335, 340, 345, 350, 355, 360, 5, 10, 15 many times, but the plane cannot read the glideslope information.

In order to determine the cause of this problem, I created an alternative runway in the 36 – 18 direction. I set the ILS frequency of this track as 110.90 (IL01).

When I run the ILS tests of the rw18 runway with the C-172 G1000, this is what happens (Pic : 2) :
* When Apr is activated, the aircraft catches the ils frequency of rw18 (IL01) 110.90 and automatically returns to the signal.
* The plane turns to rw18 and glideslope marks appear on the screen.
* However, it cannot read the dme frequency for rw18 and does not give distance information.

There is nothing left that I haven't tried for days. I could not find any detailed information about this on the internet. As a last resort, I had to upload my scenery file to the drive and ask you for help.

I request you to download my file and install it on your simulator and review the project details and object.xml file. What am I doing wrong or missing?

Thank you for your help…

( Note : I used google translate because my English is very poor. Sorry for the bad english. )

The drive link of the Scenery folder :


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I altered your project a bit so it can be used better in the DevMode. I also added a Dock_GA parking spot, so you can choose that if you load this partial airport into MSFS. It's just something I do to prevent loading the aircraft to the runway... you can delete that whenever you want.
You can view the ILS in DevMode:

This might help you to debug the ILS settings.


downloaded your project and it took me several hours to come across the possible reason why you don't have a glideslope (and dme?) on runway 17.

The frequency of 110.80 for ILS runway 17 is not a valid (ICAO?) ils frequency.

I changed it to 110.75 and get a LOC signal instead a VOR signal in the display of G1000.

You also have to edit the positions of localyzer, glideslope, dme and VASI to meet ICAO definitions.

And I found that magnetic deviation in that area is 6.6 degrees East.

To align all signals with the needles, hdg and crs correct I set
ILS17 heading 168.4000 degrees, magdev=353.4 degrees
ILS18 heading 178.4000 degrees, magdev=353.4 degrees.



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Dear Hans,
I am very grateful to you for your interest and spending your hours for me.

I saw your message too late and I'm at work right now. When I get home, I will make all the changes and try the frequencies according to your suggestions.

If I only asked you for one thing, would I be asking for too much? I was very curious how you calculate the corrected heading and magdev values on my tracks. Can you share the calculation method? From now on, I can do such calculations myself...
Dear Hans,
"You also have to edit the positions of localyzer, glideslope, dme and VASI to meet ICAO definitions."you wrote.

I don't have much knowledge on these matters. Can you recommend me a resource on editing the locations of localyzer, glideslope, vasi and dme.

Also, if you have edited their location, is it possible for you to send me the object.xml file?
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Hi Adrian,

what should I write other then that I' am very new to scenery design with Flight Simulator 2020.

So no calculating in the background neither destinct knowledge about ICAO regulations. I took your project only to train my skills.

I was nearly giving up the ILS17 problem when I saw in the MFD of the Garmin G1000 the writing VOR! That brought me back on the line because there should be a LOC.

I am very unfamiliar with the ingame scenery design so that is/was no way for me. I have modified mostly AFCADs of former Sims like FSX and used ADE (Airport Design Editor) for this. And with the version for MSFS I could import your project and made my own adjustments. In ADE, when you add an ILS, the positions of the localyzer, glideslope and dme are pre-defined. Only the dme has normally to be moved because it is bound to the loc by default and is at real airports often bound to the position of the glideslope.

When you put the Cessna at Start runway 17 you read a heading of 168 degrees magnetic. The runway is heading 175 degrees geografic. So there is a difference of about 7 degrees. East or West is the question I could not decide. The Little Navmap Addon gave me the 6.6 East. I just played a little with mag. heading of the ils (+/- hdg rwy +/- magdev) until everything looks fine.

So no miracle at all and no calculating background.

Hi Hans,

I understand

You wrote that you were unfamiliar with the subject, but you still did a great job. I've been interested in simulators for more than 20 years, but I learned a lot from what you wrote, thank you.

Very very thank you...
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I'm attaching a table for frequencies used in Navigation.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Manual of Regulations for Federal Radiofrequency Spectrum Management
Chapter 4 Frequency Allocations

pages 193-198
4.3.5 VHF/UHF Plan for Aeronautical Radionavigation

The table shows the valid ILS frequencies.



I did the corrections. Glideslope worked great. Thank you.

Dme distance information is still not read. The only problem remained.

no dme at ILS rwy17 and ILS rwy18?

I just used your (old) project and I can read DME at ILS rwy18.


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and changed ils frequency rwy17 to 110.75.

And the result is this.


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When approaching runways, this information normally looks like DIS 13.5 NM, but it is not visible in my project.

In my project, the button is attached, but distance information appears as DIS - - - NM when approaching ils.

Problem; not writing this distance between the runway and the plane.


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never have flown the Cessna 172 G1000 before so I am not familiar with all the numbers on the MFD screen.

But if you look at your pictures down left beside the rose you see the dme readout.

What DIS means in the display I can only guess that this is bound to a flightplan and means the distance to the next waypoint.
