BGL File Format
This page is a work-in-progress. Generic message - Please note some detail may possibly be missing or incorrect. |
The information contained in this wiki comes from different sources:
- "FSX File structure" by Winfried Orthmann
- This is the first document about BGL file format. It describes the generic format of a BGL file and the content of some important sections like Airport, Scenery Objects,etc.
- "FS9 FSX_BGL_Format.doc" by Jon Masterson (a.k.a. ScruffyDuck)
- Some reverse engineering work on the TmfViewer and BglComp applications by Patrick Germain
Also note that further information on the MSFS (FS20) BGL file format can be found here.
BGL Common Format
All BGL files share the same generic format. A BGL file is made of a header, sections, subsections and subsection data. Subsections are children of sections. The sections are here to help us locate the subsections in the file. Data specific information is contained in the subsections data and their format is dependent on the section type.
A BGL file is really a big container where all kind of information can be stored (in the subsection).The meaning of the data contained in the subsections is known only by the application using it. Th only contraint is for the file to comply to the generic format described below.
A BGL file always start with a header (Size = 0x38 bytes), followed by a list of section pointers. The number of section pointers is defined in the header.
File Header
The header consists of 0x38 (56) bytes. It contains the number of sections defined in the file as well as the bounding geographical coordinates of the covered squared area.
Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | Magic Number #1 – Must be 0x01, 0x02, 0x92, 0x19 (all FS versions from FS9 to P3Dv4) |
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | Header size : 0x38 |
0x08 | 4 - DWORD | dwLowDateTime of the FILETIME structure. Date and Time the file was created The FILETIME structure represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 |
0x0C | 4 - DWORD | dwHighDateTime of the FILETIME structure |
0x10 | 4 - DWORD | Magic Number #2 – Must be 0x03, 0x18, 0x05, 0x08 (all FS versions from FS9 to P3Dv4) |
0x14 | 4 - DWORD | The number of sections following this header. |
0x18 | 32 | Array[8] of unsigned integers (DWORD).
Each value derives from a QMID(l,u,v). See the algorithm in Annexe A to retrieve l,u,v values from these dwords. In that case, the second DWORD needed by the algorithm is zero. |
For example, in CVX2815.bgl :
Offset | Values | Description |
0x00 | 01 02 92 19 |
Magic Number #1 |
0x04 | 38 00 00 00 |
Header size |
0x08 | EF 82 DF E2 |
Low = 3806298863 |
0x0C | E8 C7 C6 01 |
High = 29804520 => February 27, 2007 |
0x10 | 03 18 15 08 |
Magic Number #2 |
0x14 | 01 00 00 00 |
1 section following this header |
0x18 | E8 07 02 00 |
MinLatitude(Deg) = 46.40625 MaxLatitude(Deg) = 47.8125 MinLongitude(Deg) = -75.0 MaxLongitude(Deg) = -73.125 QMID (u=56, v=30, l=8) , using 0x000207E8 as A and 0 as B in this algorithm. |
0x1C | E9 07 02 00 |
MinLatitude(Deg) = 46.40625 MaxLatitude(Deg) = 47.8125 MinLongitude(Deg) = - 73.125 MaxLongitude(Deg) = -71.25 QMID (u=57, v=30, l=8) |
0x20 | EA 07 02 00 |
MinLatitude(Deg) = 45.0 MaxLatitude(Deg) = 46.40625 MinLongitude(Deg) = -75.0 MaxLongitude(Deg) = -73.125 QMID (u=56, v=31, l=8) |
0x24 | EB 07 02 00 |
MinLatitude(Deg) = 45.0 MaxLatitude(Deg) = 46.40625 MinLongitude(Deg) = -73.124 MaxLongitude(Deg) = -71.25 QMID (u=57, v=31, l=8) |
0x28 | 00 00 00 00 |
0x2C | 00 00 00 00 |
0x30 | 00 00 00 00 |
0x34 | 00 00 00 00 |
You’ll notice that only 4 subareas are defined (on a possibility of 8) and the last 4 available slots are empty (Value = 0)
So the bounding coordinates of the area covered by cvx2815.bgl are:
- MinLatitude(Deg) = 45.0
- MaxLatitude(Deg) = 47.8125
- MinLongitude(Deg) = -75.0
- MaxLongitude(Deg) = -71.25
Following the header, at offset 0x38, there are as many sections as defined at offset 0x14 of the header. A same file may contain sections of different type. Each section has a size of 20 bytes and has the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | Section type (as defined by Microsoft Flight Simulator): one of the following values:
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | Value used to compute the size of each subsection.subSection Size = ((value & 0x10000) | 0x40000) >> 0x0E Most subsections have a size of 16 bytes. However, subsections for TerrainSeasonXXXX have a size of 20 bytes. |
0x08 | 4 - DWORD | Number of subsections in the section. |
0x0C | 4 - DWORD | File offset = position in the file where the first subsection starts. |
0x10 | 4 - DWORD | Total Size (in bytes) of all the subsections. This value should be equal to : nbSubSections x (size computed at offset 0x04) |
For example, in CVX2815.bgl, the only one section, at offset 0x38, has this:
Offset | Values | Description |
0x38 | 65 00 00 00 |
TerrainVectorDb = 101 = 0x65 |
0x3C | 01 00 00 00 |
1 => subsection size = 16 |
0x40 | 8D 07 00 00 |
0x078D = 1933 subsections in the section |
0x44 | 01 CD 1F 00 |
0x1FCD01 = File offset = position in the file where the first subsection starts. |
0x48 | D0 78 00 00 |
Size (in bytes) =0x78D0 = 30928 bytes = 16 * 1933 |
A subsection contains information about the geographical area it covers. If also contains the file offset of the subsection’s data. All subsections of a same section are contiguous meaning that they are following each other in the file.
A subsection has a size of 16 bytes, except for the following sections that have a size of 20 bytes
- TerrainElevation
- TerrainLandClass
- TerrainWaterClass
- TerrainRegion
- PopulationDensity
- TerrainIndex
- TerrainSeasonXXX
- TerrainPhotoXXX
- TerrainPhotoXXX
The subsection has the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | QMID Dword A. See this algorithm to retrieve the QMID values.
Note that all subsections inside a section are sorted on this value, meaning that subsections with the lowest QMID level (bigger squares) are followed by subsections with higher QMID levels (smaller squares). |
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | QMID Dword B - This field is present only for subsections having a size of 20 bytes) |
4 - DWORD | Number of records contained in the subsection's data. It is 0 for TerrainVectorDb. | |
0x08(16bytes)/0x0C(20bytes) | 4 - DWORD | File Offset = Position in the file of the subsection’s data |
0x0C(16bytes)/0x10(20bytes) | 4 - DWORD | Size of the subsection’s data |
The interpretation of the section data depends on the section type.
In CVX2815.bgl:
Offset | Values | Description |
0x1FCD01 | 00 FA 81 00 |
Bounding coordinates:
0x1FCD05 | 00 00 00 00 |
Number of records = 0 |
0x1FCD09 | 4C 00 00 00 |
0x4C = File Offset = Position in the file of the subsection’s data. |
0x1FCD0D | DD 00 00 00 |
Size of the subsection’s data = 0xDD = 221 bytes. |
Each airport record consists of a fixed part with the length of 0x38 bytes, followed by a variable part with 0..n subrecords of different types. The structure of the fixed part is as follows
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x003C) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of the airport record | |
0x06 | BYTE | Number of RUNWAY subrecords | |
0x07 | BYTE | Number of COM subrecords | |
0x08 | BYTE | Number of START subrecords | |
0x09 | BYTE | Number of APPROACH subrecords (?) | |
0x0A | BYTE | Bit 0-6 : Number of aprons (?) Bit 7: flag for deleteAirport record | |
0x0B | BYTE | Number of HELIPAD subrecords | |
0x0C | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x14 | DWORD | Altitude (in meters) | |
0x18 | DWORD | Tower Longitude (if present) | |
0x1C | DWORD | Tower Latitude (if present) | |
0x20 | DWORD | Tower Altitude (in meters) | |
0x24 | FLOAT | Magnetic Variation (Deg) | |
0x28 | DWORD | ICAO Ident (Special Format) | |
0x2C | DWORD | Region Ident (Special Format) | |
0x30 | DWORD | Type of fuel present at the airport and its availability.
Each availability is coded on 2 bits: 0 = No, 1 = Unknown, 2 = Prior Request, 3 = Yes
| |
0x34 | BYTE | Unknown (always 0x00) - FSX only | |
0x35 | BYTE | INT(Traffic Scalar * 255) - FSX only | |
0x36 | WORD | Unknown (always 0x00) - FSX only |
The following subrecords can be present after the main airport record:
This subrecord seems to be present in every airport record, and is usually the first one immediately after the fixed part. However a DELETE subsection may precede the Name subsection.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0019 ) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of the Name subrecord | |
0x06 | STRING | AirportName (padded with NUL (0x000 bytes) |
Included Tower Scenery Object
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0066 ) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of the subrecord | |
0x06 | DWORD | Size of the included scenery object |
After this record we find an included scenery object with an internal structure identical to that of other scenery objects (see below) and including possible attachments. The BglComp compiler allows only one scenery object to be included at this point, but in some FS X scenery files we find more than one objects included here. If present, the subrecords of this type appear immediately after the Name subrecord.
The runway subrecord consists of a fixed part with a length of 0x34 bytes and a variable number of sub-subrecords. The fixed part has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0004 ) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of the runway subrecord | |
0x06 | WORD | Type of surface:
| |
0x08 | BYTE | Primary runway number (01 - 36) or
| |
0x09 | BYTE | Primary runway designator:
| |
0x0A | BYTE | Secondary runway number | |
0x0B | BYTE | Secondary runway designator | |
0x0C | DWORD | ICAO Ident. for primary ILS (Special Format), 0x0000 if none. | |
0x10 | DWORD | ICAO Ident. for seconday ILS (Special Format) | |
0x14 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x18 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x1C | DWORD | Elevation x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x20 | FLOAT | Length (in meters) | |
0x24 | FLOAT | Width (in meters) | |
0x28 | FLOAT | Heading (Deg) | |
0x2C | FLOAT | Pattern Altitude (in meters) | |
0x30 | WORD | Marking flags: BIT 0: edges | |
0x32 | BYTE | Lights flags: BIT 0-1: edge
BIT 2-3: center (as with edge) | |
0x33 | BYTE | Pattern flags: BIT 0: primaryTakeoff (0 = YES) |
The following sub-subreports can be present within a runway subrecord:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id Primary (0x0005 ) Id Secondary (0x0006 ) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of sub-subrecord (0x10) | |
0x06 | WORD | Surface (same as in runway) | |
0x08 | FLOAT | Length in meters | |
0x0C | FLOAT | Width in meters |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id Primary (0x0007 ) Id Secondary (0x0008 ) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of sub-subrecord (0x10) | |
0x06 | WORD | Surface (same as in runway) | |
0x08 | FLOAT | Length in meters | |
0x0C | FLOAT | Width in meters |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id Primary (0x0009 ) Id Secondary (0x000A ) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of sub-subrecord (0x10) | |
0x06 | WORD | Surface (same as in runway) | |
0x08 | FLOAT | Length in meters | |
0x0C | FLOAT | Width in meters |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id Primary Left (0x000B)
Id Primary Right (0x000C) Id Secondary Left (0x000D) Id Secondary Right (0x000E) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of sub-subrecord (0x18) | |
0x06 | WORD | Type:
| |
0x08 | FLOAT | BiasX | |
0x0C | FLOAT | BiasZ | |
0x10 | FLOAT | Spacing | |
0x14 | FLOAT | Pitch |
Approach Lights
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id Primary (0x000F) Id Secondary (0x0010) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of sub-subrecord (0x08) | |
0x06 | BYTE | Bits [0-4]: System
Bit 5: Endlights (0 = false, 1 = true) | |
0x07 | BYTE | Number of strobes |
Marking Bias
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0065 ) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of sub-subrecord (0x10) | |
0x06 | WORD | Unknown (00) | |
0x08 | FLOAT | Primary marking bias (meters) | |
0x0C | FLOAT | Secondary marking bias (meters) |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0026) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of subrecord (0x24) | |
0x06 | BYTE | Surface (as in Runway) | |
0x07 | BYTE | bit 0-3: Type
bit 4: transparent | |
0x08 | BYTE[4] | color (cannot be set with bglcomp because of error kin compiler) | |
0x0C | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x14 | DWORD | Altitude x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x18 | FLOAT | Length | |
0x1C | FLOAT | Width | |
0x18 | FLOAT | Heading |
(the keywords “Start” and “RunwayStart” produce identical subrecords)
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0011) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of subrecord (0x18) | |
0x06 | BYTE | Runway Number | |
0x07 | BYTE | bit 0-3: Runway Designator (as with runway subrecord) bit 4-7: Start Type
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Elevation x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x14 | FLOAT | Heading |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0012) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of subrecord: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Type. The following numbers have been identified:
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Frequency x 1000000 | |
0x0C | STRINGZ | Name. Maximum Length = 48 (0x30) |
Delete Airport
The DeleteAirport subrecord has a fixed and a variable part. The fixed part has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0033) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of subrecord: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | delete flags
| |
0x08 | BYTE | Number of individual runways to delete | |
0x09 | BYTE | Number of individual starts to delete | |
0x0A | BYTE | Number of individual frequencies to delete | |
0x0B | BYTE | Unused (?) |
according to the number of individual features to delete there are the following parts of the record added:
for Runways
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | BYTE | Surface (as in runway subrecord) | |
0x01 | BYTE | Runway number primary | |
0x02 | BYTE | Runway number secondary | |
0x03 | BYTE | bit 0-3: Runway designator primary bit 4-7: Runway designator secondary |
for Starts
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | BYTE | Runway number | |
0x01 | BYTE | Runway designator | |
0x02 | BYTE | Type of start
| |
0x03 | BYTE | Unused (?) |
for Frequencies
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | DWORD | bit 28-31: type (as with COM records) bit 0-27: frequency * 1000000 |
There are 2 subrecords for each apron which follow each other. Both have variable length.
First record
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0037) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | BYTE | surface (as with runway subrecord) | |
0x07 | WORD | Number of vertices | |
and then for each vertex: | |||
DWORD | Longitude | ||
DWORD | Latitude | ||
and then | |||
zero-fill to next DWORD boundary |
Second record
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0030) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | BYTE | surface (as with runway subrecord) | |
0x07 | BYTE | flags:
| |
0x08 | WORD | Number of vertices | |
0x0A | WORD | Number of triangles to draw | |
and then for each vertex: | |||
DWORD | Longitude | ||
DWORD | Latitude | ||
and then for each triangle to draw: | |||
WORD | Index of first point | ||
WORD | Index of second point | ||
WORD | Index of third point | ||
and then | |||
zero-fill to next DWORD boundary |
Apron Edge Lights
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0031) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | WORD | Unknown - always 0x1 | |
0x08 | WORD | Number of vertices | |
0x0A | WORD | Number of edges | |
0x0C | DWORD | Light color, BGRA (default blue 0xFF0000FF) | |
0x10 | FLOAT | Light intensity (default 1.0f) | |
0x14 | FLOAT | Max altitude to render lights (default 800.0f m) | |
and then for each vertex | |||
DWORD | Longitude | ||
DWORD | Latitude | ||
and then for each edge | |||
FLOAT | Distance between points (default 60.96f m) | ||
WORD | Index of start vertex | ||
WORD | Index of end vertex |
Taxiway Point
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x001A) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of taxiway points present | |
and for each taxipoint: | |||
BYTE | Type
| ||
BYTE | Flag
| ||
WORD | Padding to DWORD (0x0) | ||
DWORD | Longitude | ||
DWORD | Latitude |
Taxiway Parking
This record type has a short fixed part for all TaxiwayParking records together and a longer variable part with sections for each TaxiwayParking. The fixed part is 8 bytes long:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x003D) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of taxiway parking records present |
The record sections for each TaxiwayParking are again of variable length, depending on the number of airlineCodes present:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | DWORD | bit 31-24: count of airlineCodes present bit 23-12: number
bit 7-6: pushback
bit 5-0: name
| |
0x04 | FLOAT | Radius | |
0x08 | FLOAT | Heading | |
0x0C | FLOAT | teeOffset1 | |
0x10 | FLOAT | teeOffset1 | |
0x14 | FLOAT | teeOffset3 | |
0x18 | FLOAT | teeOffset4 | |
0x1C | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x20 | DWORD | Latitude | |
... | STRING | Airline Designator (0..n times repeated) |
Taxiway Path
This record has a fixed length of 8 bytes and a variable part with records for each path. It has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x001C) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of paths defined | |
and for each path: | |||
0x00 | WORD | index of start point. For type TAXI, the index of the start and of the end must both refer to a TaxiPoint. | |
0x02 | WORD | Bit 0-11: index of end point Bit 12-15: runway designator | |
0x04 | BYTE | BIT 0-4: Type
| |
0x05 | BYTE | runway number / index into TaxiName | |
0x06 | BYTE | bitfield
BIT 0: centerline
| |
0x07 | BYTE | Surface | |
0x08 | FLOAT | Width | |
0x0C | FLOAT | Weight Limit | |
0x10 | DWORD | ?? |
This record has variable length, it consist of 8 bytes as a fixed part and then 8 bytes for each Name.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x001D) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of name entries | |
and for each name: | |||
STRING | Taxiname |
Taxiway Sign
These records are coded in the section for scenery objects (0x25) with a separate type of entry. Apparently all Taxiway signs for one airport are coded together on one record. There seems to be no coordination of this record with the airport record to which it belongs! I guess that for historical reasons, the TaxiwaySign fixed part looks like the LibraryObject record and that is why the records are stored in the Scenery object section.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x003A) 0x05 for FS9 | |
0x02 | WORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Parking number (refers to an existing parking) | |
0x08 | WORD | Gate Name | |
0x0A | DWORD | Size of the scenery object data to follow (0x40) | |
0x0E | LibraryObject record |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0024) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | BYTE | Suffix | |
0x07 | BYTE | Runway Number | |
0x08 | BYTE | bit 0-3: Type
bit 4-6: Runway designator | |
0x09 | BYTE | Number of transitions (?) | |
0x0A | BYTE | Number of approach legs | |
0x0B | BYTE | Number of missedApproach legs ? | |
0x0C | DWORD | fixIdent
BIT 0-4: fixType
BIT 5-31: fixIdent | |
0x10 | DWORD | bit 0-10: fixRegion bit 11-31: ICAO Id of relevant airport | |
0x14 | FLOAT | Altitude | |
0x18 | FLOAT | Heading | |
0x1C | FLOAT | missedAltitude |
after this the following record can occur:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x002D) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of legs to follow |
each leg is a structure with a fixed length of 44 bytes
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | BYTE | ID of the leg types found:
| |
0x01 | BYTE | Altitude Descriptor
| |
0x02 | WORD | Flags
| |
0x04 | DWORD | bit 5-31: fixIdent bit 0-4: fixType | |
0x08 | DWORD | bit 0-10: fixRegion bit 11-32: ICAO Id of relevant airport | |
0x0C | DWORD | bit 5-31: recommendedIdent bit 0-4: recommendedType | |
0x10 | DWORD | bit 0-10: recommendedRegion bit 11-32: recommendedAirport | |
0x14 | FLOAT | Theta | |
0x18 | FLOAT | Rho | |
0x1C | FLOAT | trueCourse / magneticCourse (depending on flag) | |
0x20 | FLOAT | Distance / Time | |
0x24 | FLOAT | Altitude 1 | |
0x28 | FLOAT | Altitude 2 |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x002E) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of legs to follow |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x002C) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | BYTE | transitionType 1 = FULL, 2 = DME | |
0x07 | BYTE | Number of TransitionLegs | |
0x08 | DWORD | bit 0-4: fixType
bit 5-31: fixIdent (Special Format) | |
0x0C | DWORD | bit 0-10: fixRegion
bit 11-31 : airportID of relevant airport | |
0x10 | FLOAT | Altitude | |
If transitionType = DME and DmeArc record exists, then the following 16 bytes are present | |||
0x14 | DWORD | dmeIndent | |
0x18 | DWORD | bit 0-10: dmeRegion
bit 11-31: airportID of relevant airport | |
0x1C | DWORD | Radial | |
0x20 | FLOAT | Distance |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x002F) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of legs to follow. |
The waypoint record can be part of the Airport group or can be entered independently. In both cases the output for the BGL is the same but for the DWORD at offset 0x18.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0022) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | BYTE | Type
| |
0x07 | BYTE | Number of Route entries to follow | |
0x08 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x10 | FLOAT | Magnetic Variation | |
0x14 | DWORD | WayPoint Ident (Special Format) | |
0x18 | DWORD | bit 0-10: waypointRegion (Special Format)
bit 11-31: ICAO ident of the relevant airport, if it is a terminal waypoint, defined within an airport record. | |
Optional, if Route is given | |||
0x1C | BYTE | Route type
| |
0x1D | char[8] | Name (zero padded), name cannot be longer than 8 characters | |
for Next: | |||
0x25 | DWORD | BIT 0-2: Type
BIT 5-31: waypointIdent (Special Format) | |
0x29 | DWORD | Bit 0-10 waypointRegion (Special Format)
Bit 11-31 airportId if terminal waypoint | |
0x2D | FLOAT | Altitude Minimum | |
for Previous: | |||
0x31 | DWORD | BIT 0-2: Type
BIT 5-31: waypointIdent (Special Format) | |
0x35 | DWORD | Bit 0-10 waypointRegion (Special Format)
Bit 11-31 airportId if terminal waypoint | |
0x39 | FLOAT | Altitude Minimum | |
Pad to next DWORD if Route(s) exists |
Note: it is not necessary for any route to have both previous and next defined, in that case the fields for this part of the record are all zero.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id 0x0038 BlastFence | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of vertices | |
0x08 | GUID | Instance Id | |
0x18 | GUID | Profile | |
and then for each vertex: | |||
DWORD | Longitude | ||
DWORD | Latitude |
Unknown Record 0x3B
Every (?) airport in the FS X scenery files contains a subrecord with the ID of 0x3B. This record
contains as usual a DWORD length field at offset 0x02.
It cannot be reproduced with the BglComp
compiler, and it has no apparent function.
It concists of a long list of vertices along the perimeter of
the airport and a list of indices for triangles to be drawn (similar to the second Apron record), but in
fact the sim apparently does not use this list for drawing.
It has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description
0x00 | WORD | Id : 0x003B | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size (variable) | |
0x06 | WORD | Unknown | |
0x08 | WORD | Number of vertices | |
0x0A | WORD | Number of triangles | |
and then for each vertex: | |||
DWORD | Longitude | ||
DWORD | Latitude | ||
and then for each triangle: | |||
WORD | Index of vertex #1 | ||
WORD | Index of vertex #2 | ||
WORD | Index of vertex #3 |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0056) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size of the airport record | |
0x06 | BYTE | Number of RUNWAY subrecords | |
0x07 | BYTE | Number of COM subrecords | |
0x08 | BYTE | Number of START subrecords | |
0x09 | BYTE | Number of APPROACH subrecords (?) | |
0x0A | BYTE | Bit 0-6 : Number of aprons (?) Bit 7: flag for deleteAirport record | |
0x0B | BYTE | Number of HELIPAD subrecords | |
0x0C | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x14 | DWORD | Altitude (in meters) | |
0x18 | BYTE | ??? | |
0x24 | FLOAT | Magnetic Variation (Deg) | |
0x28 | DWORD | ICAO Ident (Special Format) | |
0x2C | DWORD | Region Ident (Special Format) | |
0x30 | BYTE | Type of fuel present at the airport and its availability. | |
0x34 | BYTE | Unknown (always 0x00) | |
0x35 | BYTE | INT(Traffic Scalar * 255) | |
0x36 | BYTE | Closed Airport - Mask: 0x40 Star Airport - Mask : 0x01 TIN Airport - Mask : 0x02 | |
0x37 | BYTE | ??? | |
0x39 | BYTE | Only Add If Replace | |
0x3A | BYTE | ??? | |
0x3B | BYTE | applyFlatten | |
0x3C | BYTE | ??? | |
0x44 |
The Airport record is followed by subrecords, each with the same header structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id | |
0x02 | DWORD | Sub record size |
The number of subrecords is not known but they must fit within the airport size (defined at offset 0x02 of the airport record).
The following table lists the known (to this day) ids for the airport subrecords:
Id | Description |
0x11 (17) | RunwayStart |
0x12 (18) | Com |
0x19 (25) | AirportName |
0x1A (26) | TaxiWayPoints |
0x1D (29) | TaxiNames |
0x26 (38) | Helipad |
0x31 (49) | ApronEdgeLights |
0x33 (51) | AirportDelete |
0x40 (64) | ??? |
0x66 (102) | Tower |
0xCE (206) | Runway |
0xCF (207) | PaintedLine |
0xD3 (211) | Apron |
0xD4 (212) | TaxiWayPaths |
0xD8 (216) | PaintedHatchedArea |
0xD9 (217) | TaxiSign |
0xDD (221) | Manufacturers (for TaxiwayParkings for example) |
0xDE (222) | Jetway |
0xE7 (231) | TaxiwayParking |
0xE9 (233) | GroundMerging |
The record has a fixed size of 44 bytes.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0032) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size (0x2C) | |
0x06 | WORD | Type of COM present at the airport, runway surfaces and approach availability.
Each availability is coded on 1 bit: 0 = No, 1 = Yes
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Altitude x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x14 | DWORD | ICAO Ident. | |
0x18 | DWORD | Region | |
0x1C | FLOAT | Magnetic Variation | |
0x20 | FLOAT | Length of the longest runway | |
0x24 | FLOAT | Heading of the longest runway | |
0x28 | DWORD | Type of fuel present at the airport and its availability.
Each availability is coded on 2 bits: 0 = No, 1 = Unknown, 2 = Prior Request, 3 = Yes
The records for ILS and VOR are in the same section and they are identical for the fixed section. ILS records can have additional subrecords. The fixed part is 40 bytes long and has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0013) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | BYTE | Type. The following numbers have been found:
| |
0x07 | BYTE | Flags. The following bits have been recognized:
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Elevation x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x14 | DWORD | Frequency | |
0x18 | FLOAT | Range in meters | |
0x1C | FLOAT | Magnetic Variation | |
0x20 | DWORD | ICAO ident (Special Format) | |
0x24 | DWORD | bit 0-10 regionId
bit 11-31 airportId (for ILS) |
The following subrecords can follow:
(For ILS)
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id Localizer (0x0014) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size (0x10) | |
0x06 | BYTE | Runway Number | |
0x07 | BYTE | Runway Designator (0=NONE, 1=LEFT, 2=RIGHT, 3=CENTER) | |
0x08 | FLOAT | Heading (True,°) | |
0x0C | FLOAT | Loc Beam width (°) |
For (ILS)
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id GlideSlope (0x0015) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size (0x1C) | |
0x06 | WORD | Unknown | |
0x08 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Elevation x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x14 | FLOAT | Range | |
0x18 | FLOAT | Pitch |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id DME(0x0016) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size (0x18) | |
0x06 | WORD | Unknown | |
0x08 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Elevation x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x14 | FLOAT | Range |
After these subsections, a name subsection may follow:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0019) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | STRING | Name (max. 48 characters) |
If VisualModel is added in the source file, the compiler adds another section to the file with a record of type 0x0025 (SceneryxObject) with the GUID for the object referenced.
The coordinates for this objects are taken from the ILS/VOR and adjusted, if BiasXYZ is added to the VisualModel.
P3D Only
The TACAN record has a 63 bytes long fixed section. An optional name subsection may follow. The fixed section has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x00A0) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0A | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x0E | DWORD | Elevation x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x12 | DWORD | Channel | |
0x16 | BYTE | Type. The following numbers have been found:
| |
0x17 | FLOAT | Range in meters | |
0x1B | FLOAT | Magnetic Variation | |
0x1F | DWORD | ICAO ident (Special Format) | |
0x23 | DWORD | bit 0-10 regionId
bit 11-31: All 0 | |
0x27 | BYTE | Unknown/unused sub-record with an Id of 0x16 (DME sub-record?) |
A name subsection may follow with the following structure
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0019) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | STRING | Name |
Note: By itself the TACAN record will not provide Azimuth and DME informations on standard civilian VOR/DME receivers
The NDB records are stored in a separate section. They have a 40 bytes long fixed section and a name section of variable length. The fixed section has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0017) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Type
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Frequency | |
0x0C | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x14 | DWORD | Elevation x 1000 (in meters) | |
0x18 | FLOAT | Range | |
0x1C | FLOAT | Magnetic Variation | |
0x20 | DWORD | ICAO ident (Special Format) | |
0x24 | DWORD | bit 0-10: region
bit 11-31: ICAO id of airport, if it was defined with an airport (terminal NDB) |
The name subsection has the following structure
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0019) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size | |
0x06 | STRING | Name - Padded with 0 to next DWORD |
These records are coded in the section for scenery objects (0x25) with a separate type of entry. Apparently all Taxiway signs for one airport are coded together on one record. There seems to be no coordination of this record with the airport record to which it belongs!
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x000E) 0x05 for FS9 | |
0x02 | WORD | Size: variable | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x08 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Altitude (?) cannot be coded with the compiler | |
0x10 | WORD | Flags (cannot be coded)
| |
0x12 | WORD | Pitch(?) - Cannot be coded | |
0x14 | WORD | Bank(?) - Cannot be coded | |
0x16 | WORD | Heading(?) - Cannot be coded | |
0x18 | WORD | ImageComplexity (?) - Cannot be coded | |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown | |
0x1C | DORD | Number of taxiway signs for this airport | |
and then for each sign: | |||
0x00 | FLOAT | Longitude offset from anchor value in fix part above
Value = (TaxiSign Longitude - Anchor Longitude) * 40075000 * cos ((pi/180) * abs (Anchor Latitude + LatOffset /2) / 360 | |
0x04 | FLOAT | Latitude offset from anchor value in fix part above
Value = (TaxiSign Latitude - Anchor Latitude) * 40007000 / 360 | |
0x08 | WORD | Heading | |
0x0A | BYTE | Size
| |
0x0B | BYTE | Justification (1 = right, 2 = left) | |
0x0C | STRINGZ | Label (zero filled to next WORD address) |
The record has a fixed length of 0x40 bytes with the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x000B)
(0x02 for FS9) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size (0x0040)
(0x0030 for FS9) | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x08 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Altitude | |
0x10 | WORD | Flags
| |
0x12 | WORD | Pitch | |
0x14 | WORD | Bank | |
0x16 | WORD | Heading | |
0x18 | WORD | imageComplexity
| |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown | |
0x1C | GUID | FSX only: contains an empty GUID | |
0x2C | GUID | Name | |
0x3C | FLOAT | Scale |
If an AttachedObject exists, there are 3 other records following:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x1002) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size (0x0004) | |
and then the 2nd record | |||
0x00 | WORD | ID depending on the kind of attached object.
It is possible to attach beacons, effects and other library objects | |
0x02 | WORD | Size | |
0x04 | WORD | Offset of attach point string | |
0x06 | WORD | Pitch | |
0x08 | WORD | Bank | |
0x0A | WORD | Heading | |
0x0C | DWORD | BiasX | |
0x10 | DWORD | BiasY | |
0x14 | DWORD | BiasZ | |
0x18 | GUID | Instance Id | |
0x28 | WORD | Probability | |
0x30 | WORD | Randomness | |
0x32 | BYTE | Type
| |
0x33 | BYTE | Unknown, always 0x01 (?) | |
0x34 | WORD | unknown , always 0x0000 | |
0x36 | STRINGZ | Name of the attachment point | |
and then the 3rd record | |||
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x1001) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size (0x004) |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x000D) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size: variable | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x08 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Altitude | |
0x10 | WORD | Flag: 1 = isAboveAGL | |
0x12 | WORD | Pitch | |
0x14 | WORD | Bank | |
0x16 | WORD | Heading | |
0x18 | WORD | ImageComplexity
| |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown | |
0x1C | STRINGZ | effectName | |
0x6C | STRINGZ | effectParams |
NB.: BuildingBias is not implemented in the compiler.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x000A) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size: variable | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x08 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Altitude | |
0x10 | WORD | flag: 1 = isAboveAGL | |
0x12 | WORD | Pitch | |
0x14 | WORD | Bank | |
0x16 | WORD | Heading | |
0x18 | WORD | imageComplexity
| |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown | |
0x1C | FLOAT | Scale | |
0x20 | WORD | type: 0x00a0 generic building | |
0x22 | WORD | Size fo record | |
0x24 | WORD | subtype. The following numbers have been identified:
| |
for all rectangular buildings: | |||
0x26 | WORD | SizeX (0) | |
0x28 | WORD | SizeZ (1) | |
0x2A | WORD | bottomTexture (2) | |
0x2C | WORD | sizeBottomY (3) | |
0x2E | WORD | textureIndexBottomX (4) | |
0x30 | WORD | textureIndexBottomZ (5) | |
0x32 | WORD | windowTexture(6) | |
0x34 | WORD | sizeWindowY(7) | |
0x36 | WORD | textureIndexWindowX(8) | |
0x38 | WORD | textureIndexWindowY(9) | |
0x3A | WORD | textureIndexWindowZ(10) | |
0x3C | WORD | topTexture (11) | |
0x3E | WORD | sizeTopY (12) | |
0x40 | WORD | textureIndexTopX (13) | |
0x42 | WORD | textureIndexTopZ (14) | |
0x44 | WORD | roofTexture (15) | |
0x46 | WORD | textureIndexRoofX (16) | |
0x48 | WORD | textureIndexRoofX (17) | |
end for rectangular buildings with rooftype FLAT. | |||
for rectangular buildings with roofType RIDGE or SLANTED: | |||
0x4A | WORD | sizeRoofY (18) | |
0x4C | WORD | textureIndexGableY (19) | |
0x4E | WORD | gableTexture (20) | |
0x50 | WORD | textureIndexGableZ (21) | |
for roofType SLANTED only: | |||
0x52 | WORD | faceTexture (22) | |
0x54 | WORD | textureIndexFaceX (23) | |
0x56 | WORD | textureIndexFaceX (24) | |
for rectangular buildings with roofType PEAKED: | |||
0x4A | WORD | sizeRoofY(18) | |
0x4C | WORD | textureIndexRoofY (19) | |
for multisided buildings: | |||
0x26 | WORD | buildingSides
| |
0x28 | WORD | sizeX (1) | |
0x2A | WORD | sizeZ (2) | |
0x2C | WORD | bottomTexture (3) | |
0x2E | WORD | sizeBottomY (4) | |
0x30 | WORD | textureIndexBottomX (5) | |
0x32 | WORD | windowTexture (6) | |
0x34 | WORD | sizeWindowY (7) | |
0x36 | WORD | textureIndexWindowX (8) | |
0x38 | WORD | textureIndexWindowY (9) | |
0x3A | WORD | topTexture (10) | |
0x3C | WORD | sizeTopY (11) | |
0x3E | WORD | textureIndexTopX (12) | |
0x40 | WORD | roofTexture (13) | |
0x42 | WORD | sizeRoofY (14) | |
0x44 | WORD | textureIndexRoofX (15) | |
0x46 | WORD | textureIndexRoofY (16) | |
Note: textureIndexRoofY is required by the compiler, but it has no effect on the bgl file ! | |||
for pyramidal buildings: | |||
0x26 | WORD | sizeX (0) | |
0x28 | WORD | sizeZ (1) | |
0x2A | WORD | sizeTopX (2) | |
0x2C | WORD | sizeTopZ (3) | |
0x2E | WORD | bottomTexture (4) | |
0x30 | WORD | sizeBottomY (5) | |
0x32 | WORD | textureIndexBottomX (6) | |
0x34 | WORD | textureIndexBottomZ (7) | |
0x36 | WORD | windowTexture (8) | |
0x38 | WORD | sizeWindowY (9) | |
0x3A | WORD | textureIndexWindowX (10) | |
0x3C | WORD | textureIndexWindowY (11) | |
0x3E | WORD | textureIndexWindowZ (12) | |
0x40 | WORD | topTexture (13) | |
0x42 | WORD | sizeTopY (14) | |
0x44 | WORD | textureIndexTopX (15) | |
0x46 | WORD | textureIndexTopZ (16) | |
0x48 | WORD | roofTexture (17) | |
0x4A | WORD | textureIndexRoofX (18) | |
0x4C | WORD | textureIndexRoofZ (19) | |
for all | |||
WORD | Unknown : 0x22 0x00 |
Record with fixed length of 46 bytes.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0C) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size (0x2E) | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x08 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Altitude | |
0x10 | WORD | flags (unused) | |
0x12 | WORD | Pitch | |
0x14 | WORD | Bank | |
0x16 | WORD | Heading | |
0x18 | WORD | imageComplexity | |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown | |
0x1C | GUID | Instance Id | |
0x2C | FLOAT | poleheight | |
0x30 | FLOAT | sockLength | |
0x34 | BYTE | PoleColor: blue | |
0x35 | BYTE | PoleColor: green | |
0x36 | BYTE | PoleColor: red | |
0x37 | BYTE | PoleColor ? (0xFF) | |
0x38 | BYTE[4] | SockColor | |
0x3C | WORD | flag: lighted (TRUE = 0x0001) |
Extrusion Bridge
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x12) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x08 | LONG | Latitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Altitude | |
0x10 | WORD | Flags | |
0x12 | WORD | Pitch | |
0x14 | WORD | Bank | |
0x16 | WORD | Heading | |
0x18 | WORD | imageComplexity | |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown | |
0x1C | GUID | Instance Id | |
0x2C | GUID | Profile | |
0x3C | GUID | Material Set | |
0x4C | DWORD[3] | altitude sample location 1 | |
0x58 | DWORD[3] | altitude sample location 2 | |
0x64 | FLOAT | road width | |
0x68 | FLOAT | Probability | |
0x6C | BYTE | Suppress | |
0x6D | BYTE | Placement Count | |
0x6E | WORD | Point count | |
and then for each polyline object placement | |||
GUID | placement id | ||
and then for each polyline point | |||
DWORD | Longitude | ||
DWORD | Latitude | ||
LONG | Elevation |
The record consists of a fixed part and a variable part. The fixed part is 34 bytes long and has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x10) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size: variable | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x08 | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Altitude | |
0x10 | WORD | AltitudeIsAGL (0x0001 = TRUE) | |
0x12 | WORD | Pitch | |
0x14 | WORD | Bank | |
0x16 | WORD | Heading | |
0x18 | WORD | imageComplexity | |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown | |
0x1C | GUID | Instance Id | |
0x2C | WORD | Type
| |
0x2E | FLOAT | triggerHeight | |
In case of WEATHER the variable part has the following structure: | |||
0x32 | WORD | Type
| |
0x34 | FLOAT | Heading | |
0x38 | FLOAT | Scalar | |
0x3C | DWORD | Number of vertices | |
and then for each vertex: | |||
FLOAT | BiasX | ||
FLOAT | BiasY | ||
In case of FUEL_REPAIR the variable part has the following structure: | |||
0x32 | DWORD | Fuel type and availability
for all except last two :
when type=UNKNOWN and availability = YES then type=100 and type = JETA both are set to availability=YES | |
0x036 | DWORD | Number of vertices | |
and then for each vertex | |||
0x036 | FLOAT | BiasX | |
0x036 | FLOAT | BiasZ |
The Marker record has a fixed length of 28 bytes with the following structure:
NOTE: The structure given by Winfried appears to be wrong in the first three fields
- ID 2 bytes WORD
- Size 4 bytes DWORD
- Heading 1 byte BYTE
The structure below is taken from the source code of BGLXMl.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x18) | |
0x02 | WORD | Size (0x0000001C) | |
0x04 | BYTE | Unknown | |
0x05 | WORD | Heading | |
0x07 | BYTE | Type
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Latitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Altitude | |
0x14 | DWORD | Ident (Special Format) | |
0x18 | WORD | Region (Special Format) | |
0x1A | WORD | Unknown (0x0000) |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x20) | |
0x00 | DWORD | Size: variable | |
0x06 | BYTE | Type
| |
0x07 | BYTE | BIT 0-3: maximumAltitudeType
BIT 4-7: minimumAltitudeType
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Minimum Longitude of area covered | |
0x12 | DWORD | Minimum Latitude of area covered | |
0x16 | DWORD | Minimum Altitude * 1000 | |
0x20 | DWORD | Maximum Longitude of area covered | |
0x24 | DWORD | Maximum Latitude of area covered | |
0x28 | DWORD | Maximum Altitude | |
0x32 | WORD | Type field of name record (0x19) | |
0x34 | DWORD | Size of name record | |
0x36 | STRING | Name |
on this follows a record describing the drawing of the lines
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x21) | |
0x02 | DWORD | size: variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of points to follow | |
for each point 10 bytes | |||
0x00 | WORD | Type of point
NB: in case of circle, the entries for minimumAltitude and maximumAltitude override
the values in start if both are given. | |
0x02 | DWORD | Latitude of point (in case of circle: unknown, = 0x0000) | |
0x06 | DWORD | Longitude of point (in case of circle: FLOAT: radius) |
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x23) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size: Variable | |
0x06 | WORD | Bit 0-13: Number of vertices number of vertices
Bit 14-15: Type
| |
0x08 | DWORD | Minimum Longitude | |
0x0C | DWORD | Minimum Latitude | |
0x10 | DWORD | Maximum Longitude | |
0x14 | DWORD | Maximum Latitude | |
variable part: for each vertex | |||
0x02 | DWORD | Longitude | |
0x04 | DWORD | Latitude |
The model data structure has a fixed length of 24 bytes.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | GUID | Name | |
0x10 | DWORD | Mdl File offset from the start of this subsection | |
0x14 | DWORD | Mdl File Length |
This record has a fixed length record of 20 bytes.
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | exclusion type
| |
0x02 | WORD | Size (unused - always 0) | |
0x04 | DWORD | Longitude of NW corner | |
0x08 | DWORD | Latitude of NW corner | |
0x0C | DWORD | Longitude of SE corner | |
0x10 | DWORD | Latitude of SE corner |
The namelist contains only one record of variable length. It consists of a fixed part and a variable part. The fixed part is 42 bytes long and has the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | WORD | Id (0x0027) | |
0x02 | DWORD | Size (?) seems always to be 0x00000000 | |
0x06 | WORD | Number of region names | |
0x08 | WORD | Number of country names | |
0x0A | WORD | Number of state names | |
0x0C | WORD | Number of city names | |
0x0E | WORD | Number of airport names | |
0x10 | WORD | Number of ICAO Ident | |
0x12 | DWORD | Offset of region list (from start of record) | |
0x16 | DWORD | Offset of country list (from start of record) | |
0x1A | DWORD | Offset of state list (from start of record) | |
0x1E | DWORD | Offset of city list (from start of record) | |
0x22 | DWORD | Offset of airport list (from start of record) | |
0x26 | DWORD | Offset of ICAO Ident list (from start of record) |
The lists for region, country, state, city and airport names have all the same structure:
an index with 1 DWORD for each entry in the list. The DWORD is an offset in the buffer of names that follows the DWORDs. Each name in that buffer is null-char terminated. Note that the offset values may not be in ascending order (see example).
The ICAO list has a different structure. It contains n entries (one for each ICAO name), each of them 20 bytes long, with the following structure:
Offset | Number of bytes |
Format | Description |
0x00 | BYTE | Region name index (all indexes start with 0 for the first name in the relevant list) | |
0x01 | BYTE | Country Name index | |
0x02 | WORD | bit 0-3 : unknown
bit 4-15 : state name index | |
0x04 | WORD | City Name index | |
0x06 | WORD | Airport Name index | |
0x08 | DWORD | ICAO Identifier (Special Format) | |
0x0C | DWORD | Region Ident (Special Format) | |
0x10 | WORD | Longitude of the upper left corner of the corresponding QMID Level 9 Square. The value stored here is the same (2nd value in the triplet) that you see in the status bar of the TmfViewer application when the QMID grid Level 9 is selected. ![]() . The 1st value of the triplet is the level. | |
0x12 | WORD | Latitude of the upper left corner of the corresponding QMID Level 9 Square The value stored here is the same (3rd value in the triplet) that you see in the status bar of the TmfViewer application when the QMID grid Level 9 is selected. |
Let's look at the file APX25230.bgl located in the (...)\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\0302\scenery folder.
The NameList record starts at offset 0x77B4.
Offset | Field | Value |
77B4 | Id | 0x0027 |
77B6 | Size | 0 |
77BA | NbRegionNames | 1 |
77BC | NbCountryNames | 1 |
77BE | NbStateNames | 1 |
77C0 | NbCityNames | 3 |
77C2 | NbAirportNames | 3 |
77C4 | NbICAOIdents | 3 |
77C6 | RegionListOffset | 0x002A |
77CA | CountryListOffset | 0x002F |
77CE | StateListOffset | 0x0038 |
77D2 | CityListOffset | 0x003D |
77D6 | AirportListOffset | 0x0070 |
77DA | ICAOListOffset | 0x00AA |
Let's focus on the cities. There are 3 cities defined (at per offset 0x77C0). So the cities list start at offset 0x77B4 + 0x3D = 0x77F1.
At offset 0x77F1, we find 3 DWORDs (one for each city).
Offset | Field | Value |
77F1 | Offset #0 | 7: the first name if at offset 7 in the buffer that follow at offset 0x77FD |
77F5 | Offset #1 | 0: the second name if at offset 0 in the buffer that follow at offset 0x77FD |
77F9 | Offset #2 | 14: the second third if at offset 14 in the buffer that follow at offset 0x77FD |
Then follows a buffer of 38 (0x26) bytes containing the names of the cities (since the AirportList starts at 0x77B4 + 0x70 = 0x7824, we know the the buffer of cities names stops at 0x7823 so it has size of 0x26).
4D 61 72 69 65 6C 00 48 61 76 61 6E 61 00 53 61 6E 20 41 6E 74 6F 6E 69 6F 20 44 65 20 4C 6F 73 20 42 61 6E 6F 73
The first name starts at offset 7:
48 61 76 61 6E 61 00 : Havana
The second name starts at offset 0:
4D 61 72 69 65 6C 00 : Mariel
The third name starts at offset 14:
53 61 6E 20 41 6E 74 6F 6E 69 6F 20 44 65 20 4C 6F 73 20 42 61 6E 6F 73 : San Antonio De Los Banos
Now the ICAO.
The ICAO list starts at offset 0x77B4 + 0xAA = 0x785E. There are 3 ICA identifiers, so 3 consecutive records of 20 bytes. Let's look at the first ICAO record:
Offset | Field | Value |
785E | RegionNameIndex | 0 |
785F | CountryNameIndex | 0 |
7860 | StateNameIndex | 0 |
7862 | CityNameIndex | 1 : Index = 1 so that is the 2nd name in the cities names list = Mariel |
7864 | AirportNameIndex | 0 |
7866 | ICAOIdent | E1 0C 9A 02 => MUML |
786A | Unknown | ??? |
786E | UpperLeft Longitude of the QMID | 67 00 => -83.4375 |
7870 | UpperLeft Latitude of the QMID | 5F 00 => 23.203125 |
This type of subsection contains values to retrieve geographical coordinates and types of vector data, organized as segments.
The section does not contain geographical coordinates per se but offsets to the lower left corner (minimum latitude / longitude) of the covered area (QMID Square). The covered area is also defined in the subsection.
Not that a vector that stretches over several QMID squares is split in as many sub-vectors.
The data is organized in lists of pair values (One pair per geographical coordinate). Each pair can then be used to compute the final geographical coordinates. There are 3 ways to retrieve these lists of pairs.
The first value in a pair is longitude-related. The second value is latitude-related.
The algorithm to compute the geographical coordinates from a pair is:
void convertToCoordinates (double longitude_related_Value, double latitude_related_Value) { var deltaLongFactor = (MaxLongitudeDeg - MinLongitudeDeg) / 0x8000; var deltaLatFactor = (MaxLatitudeDeg - MinLatitudeDeg) / 0x8000; var LongitudeDeg = MinLongitudeDeg + (longitude_related_Value * deltaLongFactor); var LatitudeDeg = MinLongitudeDeg + (latitude_related_Value * deltaLatFactor); }
Subsection Header
Each subsection starts with the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description | |||||||||||||||
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | 6 This is the identifier for a vector subsection. | |||||||||||||||
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | Defines the QMID square related to this subsection (all vectors are within the square). See Getting QMID from DWORD values. | |||||||||||||||
When the -ADDTOCELLS flag is used with the Shp2Vec tool, this value is 1, otherwise 0 | |||||||||||||||
0x0C | 4 - DWORD | Number of entities. An entity is a list of segments. (a segment is a list of points). | |||||||||||||||
0x10 | 4 - DWORD | Number of bytes in the attributes buffer. The attributes buffer contains some GUIDs identifying the segments of this subsection. Some GUID values (like the Texture) are not used by the TmfViewer application.
It also contains some extra bytes needed by some attributes (for example, 2 FLOAT32 values - SlopeX and SlopeY - are needed for WaterPolys). {359C73E8-06BE-4FB2-ABCB-EC942F7761D0} Airport Bounds {91CB4A9B-9398-48E6-81DA-70AEA3295914} Parks {EA0C44F7-01DE-4D10-97EB-FB5510EB7B72} Water Polygons (GPS) {956A42AD-EC8A-41BE-B7CB-C68B5FF1727E} Water Polygons {AC39CDCB-DB78-4628-9A7C-051DA7AC864A} Exclusions {0CBC8FAD-DF73-40A1-AD2B-FE62F8004F6F} Shorelines {714BF912-F9DF-467E-80AE-28EB27374DBD} Streams {C7ACE4AE-871D-4938-8BDC-BB29C4BBF4E3} Utilities {33239EB4-D2B8-46F5-98AB-47B3D0922E2A} Railways {560FA8E6-723D-407D-B730-AE08039102A5} Roads {54B91ED8-BC02-41B7-8C3B-2B8449FF85EC} Freeway Traffic Roads {1B6A15BB-05FB-4401-A8D1-BB520E84904C} Water Polygons Slope | |||||||||||||||
0x14 | 4 - DWORD | Number of attribute offsets used in that subsection. | |||||||||||||||
0x18 | 4 - DWORD | Number of points used in that subsection. | |||||||||||||||
0x1C | 4 - DWORD | Number of points, in that subsection, that have a different altitude value than the altitude of their siblings in the same segment. | |||||||||||||||
0x20 | N | Attributes buffer containing <N> bytes, where N is defined at relative offset 0x10.
The attributes buffer contains the primary GUIDs identifying the type of vectors (Roads, RailWays, Streams,...) used in the QMID square related to this subsection, as well as secondary GUIDS (Type of park for example).
Attributes Buffer Example
This example is taken from the file (...)\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\0301\scenery\cvx2815.bgl At offset 0x565, we have 160 bytes:
86 7D B0 CE 05 36 BE 44 B4 8A 97 F8 D0 1B 74 DE 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AD 8F BC 0C 73 DF A1 40 AD 2B FE 62 F8 00 4F 6F 00 00 00 00 AD 42 6A 95 8A EC BE 41 B7 CB C6 8B 5F F1 72 7E 00 00 00 00 F7 44 0C EA DE 01 10 4D 97 EB FB 55 10 EB 7B 72 00 00 00 00 BB 15 6A 1B FB 05 01 44 A8 D1 BB 52 0E 84 90 4C 10 00 00 00 82 C1 D5 BC 8B 9C 57 4C 97 BD 27 2C F4 92 CB FF BB 15 6A 1B FB 05 01 44 A8 D1 BB 52 0E 84 90 4C 10 00 00 00 D8 29 32 7B ED 18 4D 4F AE 22 12 66 08 62 AB A1
that can be interpreted as :
At offset 0
86 7D B0 CE 05 36 BE 44 B4 8A 97 F8 D0 1B 74 DE : GUID for Water Polygons Slope {CEB07D86-3605-44BE-B48A-97F8D01B74DE}
08 00 00 00 : 8 bytes of additionnal data (for slopeX and slopeY)
00 00 00 00 : slopeX = 0
00 00 00 00 : slopeY = 0
At offset 0x1C:
AD 8F BC 0C 73 DF A1 40 AD 2B FE 62 F8 00 4F 6F : GUID for Shorelines {0CBC8FAD-DF73-40A1-AD2B-FE62F8004F6F}
00 00 00 00 : No additional data
At offset 0x30:
AD 42 6A 95 8A EC BE 41 B7 CB C6 8B 5F F1 72 7E : GUID for Water Polygons {956A42AD-EC8A-41BE-B7CB-C68B5FF1727E}
00 00 00 00 : No additional data
At offset 0x44:
F7 44 0C EA DE 01 10 4D 97 EB FB 55 10 EB 7B 72 : GUID for Water Polygons - GPS {EA0C44F7-01DE-4D10-97EB-FB5510EB7B72}
00 00 00 00 : No additional data
At offset 0x58:
BB 15 6A 1B FB 05 01 44 A8 D1 BB 52 0E 84 90 4C : GUID Texture {1B6A15BB-05FB-4401-A8D1-BB520E84904C}
10 00 00 00 : 16 bytes of additional data
82 C1 D5 BC 8B 9C 57 4C 97 BD 27 2C F4 92 CB FF : GUID for Hydro_Polygons_Generic_Lake_Perennial {BCD5C182-9C8B-4C57-97BD-272CF492CBFF}
At offset 0x7C:
BB 15 6A 1B FB 05 01 44 A8 D1 BB 52 0E 84 90 4C : GUID Texture {1B6A15BB-05FB-4401-A8D1-BB520E84904C}
10 00 00 00 : 16 bytes of additional data
D8 29 32 7B ED 18 4D 4F AE 22 12 66 08 62 AB A1 : GUID for Shorelines_Generic_Lake {7B3229D8-18ED-4F4D-AE22-12660862ABA1}
Entity Structure
Then for each entity (the number of entities is defined at relative offset 0x0C of the subsection header (see Subsection Header above), we have the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | Number of segments in the entity. |
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | Segment type:
0x08 | 2 - WORD | Number of signatures offsets (Must be < 0x64). |
0x0A | 4 * N - DWORD[N] | N = Number of signatures offsets (see above). Will contain the offsets into the signature buffer. For example, 2 signatures offsets may be defined here: one for a park and the second for the texture used for this park. |
Segment Structure
Then for each segment (the number of segments is defined at relative offset 0x00 of the entity structure (see Entity Structure above), we have the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | Number of points (geographical coordinates) in this segment. |
0x04 | 1 - BYTE | Altitude Information Flag
If 1 or 2 there will be additional bytes after the data buffer. |
0x05 | 1 - BYTE | Method used to build the pairs list from the data buffer. Possible values are 1,2 or 3
0x06 | Data buffer – Size may vary depending on the method used. See below. | |
- | 4 x N - FLOAT[N] | N depends on the Altitude Information Flag defined at relative offset 0x04.
Method 1
By far the most complex method. I have some code for it. But I still have to figure out the big picture.
The data buffer for this method has the following structure:
Relative offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | First Longitude Data - First value in the list of pairs. |
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | First Latitude Data - First value in the list of pairs. |
0x08 | 4 - DWORD | LongitudeData Increment |
0x0C | 4 - DWORD | LatitudeData Increment |
0x10 | 4 - DWORD | Number of bytes |
0x14 | N | N is the number of bytes defined above at relative offset 0x10. These N bytes are the raw data used to build the final list of pairs. |
Method 2
The data buffer for this method has the following structure:
Relative offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 1 - BYTE | Root Mask |
0x01 | N | N is computed using the value of the Root Mask. N = (RootMask * NbPoints * 2 + 7) >> 3 where
The algorithm used by Method2 to build the list of pairs is:
/* Fills an array listOfValues of DWORD */ PositionInPair = 0; /* 0 = first value in pair, 1 = second value in pair */ PairIndex = 0 ; ShiftValue = 0 ; NbBytesLeftToRead = ((rootMask * nbPoints) * 2 + 7) >> 3; Mask = 1 << rootMask ; /* 2 ^ rootMask */ /* Read first value */ if (NbBytesLeftToRead > 3) { valueFromFile = read (4 bytes) NbBytesLeftToRead -= 4 ; } else { valueFromFile = read (NbBytesLeftToRead bytes) NbBytesLeftToRead = 0 ; } while (PairIndex < nbPoints) { if (ShiftValue < 0) { /* Shift Left */ result = (uint)((valueFromFile << (-ShiftValue)) & Mask); /* Add to existing pair value */ result += listOfValues[PairIndex * 2 + PositionInPair]; listOfValues[PairIndex * 2 + PositionInPair] = result; } else { /* Shift Right */ result = (uint)((valueFromFile >> ShiftValue) & Mask); listOfValues[PairIndex * 2 + PositionInPair] = result; } if (rootMask + ShiftValue >= 32) { if (NbBytesLeftToRead > 3) { valueFromFile = read (4 bytes) NbBytesLeftToRead -= 4 ; } else { valueFromFile = read (NbBytesLeftToRead bytes) NbBytesLeftToRead = 0 ; } ShiftValue -= 32; /* now negative */ } else { /* continue processing value from file */ ShiftValue += rootMask; PositionInPair++; } if (PositionInPair == 2) { PairIndex++; /* Next entry in the list of pair values */ PositionInPair = 0; } }
Still with the same example as in Subsections, we know that the first subsection data starts at offset 0x4C (as described in the first subsection starting at offset 0x1FCD01) . So at this file offset, we have the subsection header of the first subsection data.
Offset | Value | Description |
0x4C | 06 00 00 00 |
6 |
0x50 | 00 FA 81 00 |
Bounding coordinates:
QMID (u=448, v=240, l=11) , using 0x0081FA00 as A and 0 as B in this algorithm. |
0x54 | 00 00 00 00 |
0 => AddToCells = False |
0x58 | 03 00 00 00 |
Number of entities = 3 |
0x5C | 14 00 00 00 |
Number of bytes in the signatures buffer = 20 |
0x60 | 03 00 00 00 |
Number of attribute offsets used in that subsection = 3 |
0x64 | 1C 00 00 00 |
Number of pair values in that subsection = 28 |
0x68 | 00 00 00 00 |
0 |
0x6C | Signatures buffer containing 20 bytes.F7 44 0C EA DE 01 10 4D 97 EB FB 55 10 EB 7B 72 00 00 00 00 That is GUID {EA0C44F7-01DE-4D10-97EB-FB5510EB7B72} = Water Polygons (GPS), followed by 4 zeroes. |
Then follows 3 entities.
The first entity (at offset 0x80 of the file) is
Offset | Value | Description |
0x80 | 01 00 00 00 |
Number of segments in the entity = 1 |
0x84 | 03 00 00 00 |
Segment type = 3 - Polygons |
0x88 | 01 00 |
Number of signatures offsets = 1 |
0x8A | 00 00 00 00 |
Signatures offset = 0: points to the only one GUID |
This entity is followed by only one segment, at offset 0x8E of the file
Offset | Value | Description |
0x8E | 0E 00 00 00 |
Number of points = 14 |
0x92 | 00 |
0 => No Altitude information |
0x93 | 02 |
2 – Method2 |
0x94 | 0F |
Root Mask = 0x0F So N = (15 * 14* 2 + 7) >> 3 = 53 53 bytes to follow. |
0x95 | 53 bytes:84 3E 56 37 65 10 74 1D 3C 44 5B 9F 11 C5 D0 05 C9 2C F3 D5 B2 3A 8D 8A 8D 9D 9B 67 8B ED 52 59 B3 BC 0B 36 35 5F 54 25 B5 33 30 6D E2 64 4B EB 36 A1 8F D5 0D |
The next entity starts at file offset 0xCA.
So the algorithm for method 2 goes like this:
Mask = 0x7FFF ; NbBytesLeftToRead = 53 ; shiftValue = 0; PairIndex = 0 ; PositionInPair = 0 valueFromFile = read (4 bytes) = 0x37563E84 result = (valueFromFile >> shiftValue) & mask = 0x3E84 listOfValues[0] = 0x3E84 NbBytesLeftToRead = 49 ; shiftValue = 0x0F; PairIndex = 0 ; PositionInPair = 1 result = (valueFromFile >> shiftValue) & mask = 0x6EAC listOfValues[1] = 0x6EAC NbBytesLeftToRead = 49 ; shiftValue = 0x1E; PairIndex = 1 ; PositionInPair = 0 result = (valueFromFile >> shiftValue) & mask = 0x000 listOfValues[2] = 0x0000 rootMask + shiftValue = 0x2D > 0x20 so valueFromFile = read (4 bytes) = 0x1D741065 shiftValue = 0xFFFFFFFE NbBytesLeftToRead = 45 ; shiftValue = 0xFFFFFFFE; PairIndex = 1 ; PositionInPair = 0 result = (valueFromFile << (-shiftValue)) & mask = 0x4194 result += listOfValues[2] = 0x4194 + 0x0000 = 0x4194 listOfValues[2] = 0x4194 NbBytesLeftToRead = 45 ; shiftValue = 0x0D; PairIndex = 1 ; PositionInPair = 1 result = (valueFromFile >> shiftValue) & mask = 0x6BA0 listOfValues[3] = 0x6BA0 NbBytesLeftToRead = 45 ; shiftValue = 0x1C; PairIndex = 2 ; PositionInPair = 0 result = (valueFromFile >> shiftValue) & mask = 0x0001 listOfValues[4] = 0x0001 rootMask + shiftValue = 0x2BD > 0x20 so valueFromFile = read (4 bytes) = 0x9F5B443C shiftValue = 0xFFFFFFFC NbBytesLeftToRead = 41 ; shiftValue = 0xFFFFFFFC; PairIndex = 2 ; PositionInPair = 0 result = (valueFromFile << (-shiftValue)) & mask = 0x43C0 result += listOfValues[4] = 0x0x43C0 + 0x0001 = 0x43C1 listOfValues[4] = 0x43C1 etc
Once the 53 bytes have been processed, the list contains the following 28 values, making up a list of 14 pairs.
3E84 6EAC 4194 6BA0 43C1 6B68 4467 6862 4905 6659 4B57 69D5 58A8 73B1 59E6 76C5 5952 7966 582E 79A9 5545 76A4 4C0C 7136 4B64 6DD6 3E84 6EAC
To get the coordinates of the first point, we take the first pair {0x3E84, 0x6EAC} and use the convertToCoordinates method described at Terrain_Vector_DB.
The first value in the pair is longitude-related. The second value in the pair is latitude-related.
double deltaLongFactor = ((-74.765625) - (- 75.0)) / 0x8000; // = 0.000007152557373046875 double deltaLatFactor = (47.8125 - 47.63671875) / 0x8000; // = 0.0000053644180297851563 double LongitudeDeg = (- 75.0) + (0x3E84 * deltaLongFactor); // = -74.885530471801758 double LatitudeDeg = 47.63671875 + (0x6EAC * deltaLatFactor); // = 47.788703441619873
The following sections share the same structure:
- TerrainElevation
- TerrainLandClass
- TerrainWaterClass
- TerrainRegion
- PopulationDensity
- TerrainIndex
- TerrainSeasonXXX
- TerrainPhotoXXX
- TerrainPhotoXXX
The number of subsections depends on the size of the scenery area. For higher levels of details, chances are that the area will overlap across multiple QMID squares. However, there will be at least a level for which the entire scenery area is contained inside the QMID square.
So there will be a subsection for each level for which the entire scenery area is contained inside the corresponding QMID square.
For example, let's say that your photo scenery has the following coordinates:
North-West corner : Longitude = -73.388000, Latitude = 45.511400
Sout-East corner : Longitude = -73.373019, Latitude = 45.498672
At QMID level 14, the image overlaps across QMID (luv) = (14, 3639, 2024) and QMID(luv) = (14,3629, 2025).
However, at level 13, the image is entirely contained within QMID(luv) = (13,1819, 1012)
So there will be 14 subsections, the first one defining the level 0 and the last one defining the level 13.
While the relation between the QMID Level and the rank of the subsection may be true for BGL files generated by the resample tool, it appears that this is wrong with other native BGL files such as the worldlc.bgl or other files located in the BASE folder.
SubSection with TRQ1 Records
The number of subsections for a Terrain section is defined in the parent section.
A subsection has a size of 16 (0x10) bytes and has the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 8 - DWORD[2] | These 2 values are derived from the u,v,l values of the QMID containing the whole scenery for this specific level.
To retrieve the corresponding QMID values, see the algorithm in Annexe. |
0x08 | 4 - DWORD | File Offset = Position in the file of the subsection’s data |
0x0C | 4 - DWORD | Size of the subsection’s data |
TRQ1 Record
The TRQ1 Record is a fixed-size header that contains information about each RasterDataLayer "Chunk" in a BGL file. Raster chunks are 2-Dimensional bitmaps of rasterized data containing 16-bit unsigned integer (32-bit for MS Flight) data points broken down into 256X256 pixel squares. The data can represent many different terrain elements including landclass, elevation, and raw aerial imagery data.
At the file offset specified at relative offset 0x08 of the subsection above, we find a TRQ1 record, followed by 1 or 2 other records.
The TRQ1 record has a size of 40 (0x28) bytes for the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | Signature = 0x31515254 = 'TRQ1' |
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | Size of this record = 0x28 |
0x08 | 2 - WORD | Identifier of the parent section
0x0A | 1 - BYTE | Compression Type of 1st Section (Values) following this record
(Note that only a subset of these appear to be used by the resampler)
Note that when a double compression is involved (for example, Delta_And_LZ2_Compressed), you have to decompress in the reverse order (For example, decompress LZ2 and then Delta) |
0x0B | 1 - BYTE | Compression Type of 2nd Section (Mask) following this record (same as above) |
0x0C | 4 - DWORD[2] | Same 2 DWORDS as the ones defined at offset 0 of the subsection above. |
0x14 | 4 - DWORD | Month Mask for TERRAIN_PHOTO and TERRAIN_SEASON (0x0000 otherwise)
0x18 | 4 - DWORD | NROWS - Number of raster rows present in chunk (including whitespace) |
0x1C | 4 - DWORD | NCOLS - Number of raster columns present in chunk (including whitespace) |
0x20 | 4 - DWORD | Size of 1st data chunk (Values) that follows this record |
0x24 | 4 - DWORD | Size of 2nd data chunk (Mask) following this record (that follows the 1st record if size > 0)
Not Present for TERRAIN_INDEX sections Note: this section is automatically added by resample after relevant raster sections, does not count toward total block count displayed in the resample statistics, and seems to always be relatively short such as TERRAIN_INDEX sections. It appears to always be compressed with BitPack + LZ1. |
The content of the 2 records that follows is still to be determined based off of each applicable compression scheme. Work is underway to decompress each type.
The decompression algorithms works on a square matrix covering each QMID square. The size of each matrix depends on the identifier defined at offset 8, as shown in the table below:
Identifier | Section Type | Matrix Size | Cell Size | Description |
1 | TERRAIN_PHOTO | 256 x 256 | WORD | |
2 | TERRAIN_ELEVATION | 257 x 257 | DWORD | |
3 | TERRAIN_LAND_CLASS | 257 x 257 | BYTE | |
4 | TERRAIN_WATER_CLASS | 257 x 257 | BYTE | |
5 | TERRAIN_REGION | 257 x 257 | BYTE | |
6 | TERRAIN_SEASON_XXX | 257 x 257 | BYTE | |
7 | POPULATION_DENSITY | 257 x 257 | BYTE | |
9 | TERRAIN INDEX | 32 x 32 | WORD | Each value is a mask indicating what kind of terrain the cell contains.
Delta Compressed Segment
Adaptive delta compression is the simplest of the decompression techniques. It simply looks for one of several sentinel values, and the following bytes are read as deltas from the last value, until another sentinel value is seen.
See decompression algorithm in annexe A.
LZ1 (LZ77) Compressed Segment
See decompression algorithm in annexe A.
LZ2 (LZ78) Compressed Segment
See decompression algorithm in annexe A.
Bitpack Compressed Segment
The decompression algorithm is a recursive one. It divides the original matrix until a sufficient size (<= 8) is reached and then applies the decompression to the smaller matrix.
See decompression algorithm in Annexe A.
RCS1 Record
The RCS1 Record is a fixed-size header that contains information about terrain scaling for any section of type TERRAIN_ELEVATION.
Terrain scaling is used to convert the integer terrain values in the BGL data to the floating point values used in the terrain triangulation engine. These values correspond directly to the Fraction Bits settings in the resampler, and is always present with default values if these settings are not specified.
It is not a true subsection in that it does not have a child section, it is merely a data section that is prepended to the compressed chunk.
The RCS1 record has a size of 12 (0xC) bytes for the following structure:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | Signature = 0x31435352= 'RCS1' |
0x04 | 4 - FLOAT | Scale Value = The scaling multiplier for the integer terrain value (Default: 1.0f)
This number is halved for each fractional bit required (FractionBits=1: Scale = 0.5f, FractionBits=2: Scale=0.25) |
0x08 | 4 - FLOAT | Base Value = The base offset to be added to the scaled value (Default: 0)
This is exposed as a signed int through resample, but is cast to a float representation in the BGL |
Thus, the actual terrain value = (Decompressed integer value * Scale) + Base. When default values are used, the input is simply converted to a floating point number and not modified.
For more information on Fractional Values please see the Scaled Elevation Values section in the Terrain and Scenery SDK document.
The section VorIlsIcaoIndex (0x28), NdbIcaoIndex (0x29), WayPointIcaoindex (0x2A) and TacanIndex (0xA1) [P3D only] all share the same structure of 12 bytes:
Relative Offset | Number of bytes | Description |
0x00 | 4 - DWORD | ICAO Identification (Special Format) |
0x04 | 4 - DWORD | Region and Airport Identification
Bits 0-10 : Region (Special Format) |
0x08 | 2 - WORD | QMID U Value (Level 9) |
0x0C | 2 - WORD | QMID V value (Level 9) |
Records are sorted using the following order (based on string comparison): Region identifier (except ILS indexes)->Airport identifier->ICAO identifier
Annexe A
Computing the bounding coordinates from a DWORD value
public static List<double> GetBoundingCoordinates(uint boundingValue) { var list = new List<double>(); var shiftValue = 15; var work = boundingValue; var latitudeData = (uint)0; var longitudeData = (uint)0; while (work < 0x80000000 && shiftValue >= 0) { shiftValue--; work *= 4; } work &= 0x7FFFFFFF; // Remove negative flag, if any var powerOfTwo = shiftValue; while (shiftValue >= 0) { if ((work & 0x80000000) != 0) { latitudeData += (uint)(1 << shiftValue); } if ((work & 0x40000000) != 0) { longitudeData += (uint)(1 << shiftValue); } work *= 4; shiftValue--; } // factor = 1.0 / (2^i) var factor = 1.0 / (1 << powerOfTwo); // Calc bounding coordinates var minLatitudeDeg = 90.0 - ((latitudeData + 1.0) * factor * 360.0); var maxLatitudeDeg = 90.0 - (latitudeData * factor * 360.0); var minLongitude = (longitudeData * factor * 480.0) - 180.0; var maxLongitude = ((longitudeData + 1.0) * factor * 480.0) - 180.0; list.Add(minLatitudeDeg); list.Add(maxLatitudeDeg); list.Add(minLongitude); list.Add(maxLongitude); return list; }
Computing Longitude and Latitude from a DWORD value
Latitude and longitude are no longer represented as before. Each location on the earth is fixed in the LOD grid. Longitude and latitude are each represented by a 4 byte value (DWORD). The formula for obtaining the decimal values is as follows:
(double) Lon = ((DWORD) Lon * (360.0 / (3 * 0x10000000))) – 180.0 (double) Lat = 90.0 - (DWORD) Lat * (180.0 / (2 * 0x10000000))
Pitch, bank and heading
Pitch, bank and heading are given as ANGLE16 in form of a DWORD. The formula for obtaining
the decimal value is as follows:
(double) Pitch = (DWORD) Pitch * 360.0 / 0x10000
ICAO Identifiers and region codes
ICAO Identifiers and region codes are coded in a special format. Each number and letter has a value from 0 .. 37:
blank | 00 |
Digits 0-9 | 02-11 |
Letters A-Z | 12-37 |
The code is calculated by starting from left: the value of the first digit/letter is multiplied by 38 (0x26), then the value of the next digit/letter to the right is added, the sum s multiplied by 38 (0x26), and as long as there are more digits/letters this process is repeated. The region codes have only 2 digits/letters and the result is used as such; for the ICAO identifiers for airports, ILS, VOR, NDB and waypoints there are up to 5 digits/letters, and the result is shifted left by 5 positions, i.e. multiplied by 0x20. Bits 0 .. 4 of the resulting DWORD may be used for other purposes, maybe indexing (0x00 for NDB identifiers, 0x02 for ILS identifiers and 0x06 for terminal waypoints). The ICAO identifiers for primary and secondary ILS in a runway record are not shifted.
Decoding So you have a DWORD value to be translated in a ICAO string. If the value comes from an airport identifier, it first has to be shifted 5 bits to the right. The pseudo-algorithm looks like this
if (values from airport data) { shift value 5 bits to the right } while (value > 37) { oneCodedChar = value % 38 prepend OneCodedChar to the list value = (value - oneCodedChar) / 38 if (value < 38) { oneCodedChar = value } } // The first coded char in the list is the last one computed in the while loop foreach (oneCodedChar in list) { if (oneCodedChar == 0) { output space char } else if (oneCodedChar > 1 && oneCodedChar < 12) { // digit 0-9 output '0' + (oneCodedChar - 2) } else { // letter output 'A' + (oneCodedChar - 12) } }
The value 0x0257C221 comes from an airport record.
0x0257C221 is first shifted 5 bits to the right , which gives 0x0012BE11 = 1228305
- 1228305 is >= 38 so 1228305 % 38 = 31 and (1228305 - 31)/ 38 = 32323
- 32323 is >= 38 so 32323 % 38 = 23 and (32323 - 23) / 38 = 850
- 850 >= 38 so 850 % 38 = 14 and (850 - 14) / 38 = 22
- 22 is < 38 so that is the last value.
So we got 31,23,14 and 22
- 22 is in the range [12 - 37] so letter = 'A' + (22-12) = 'K'
- 14 is in the range [12 - 37] so letter = 'A' + (14-12) = 'C'
- 23 is in the range [12 - 37] so letter = 'A' + (14-23) = 'L'
- 31 is in the range [12 - 37] so letter = 'A' + (31-12) = 'T'
So the ICAO code is KCLT
Computing QMID u and v based on level and coordinates
Whenever you move your mouse in the TmfViewer application, the u and v values of the QMID (Quad Mesh IDentifier) are updated in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. All coordinates (longitude , latitude) inside the same QMID (or square) have the same u and v values for a specific level. The greater the level, the smaller the square. See Microsoft: Terrain and Scenery.
The algorithm to compute the u and v values is the following:
Input: - Longitude in degrees - Latitude in degrees - Level (QMID Level = LOD + 2) in the range [2..29] LongitudeData = INT(0.5 + (180 + LongitudeDeg) * (0x2000000 / 15)) LatitudeData = INT(0.5 + (90 - LatitudeDeg) * (0x8000000 / 45)) If LongitudeData > 0x30000000 LongitudeData -= 0x30000000 If LongitudeData < 0 LongitudeData += 0x30000000 If LatitudeData > 0x20000000 LatitudeData -= 0x20000000 If LatitudeData < 0 LatitudeData += 0x20000000 n = 30 - QMIDLevel QMID.u = LongitudeData >> n QMID.v = LatitudeData >> n QMID.l = level
Getting DWORD values from QMID
The algorithm takes the QMID data (u, v and l) as input and produces 2 DWORD values as output.
The u (longitude-related), v (latitude-related) and l (level) values are handled as DWORD (4 bytes).
The DWORD value u is made of 4 bytes: U3, U2, U1 and U0 where U3 is the most significant byte and U0 the least significant.
The DWORD value v is made of 4 bytes: V3, V2, V1 and V0 where V3 is the most significant byte and V0 the least significant.
Let's compute U'3, U'2, U'1, U'0, V'3, V'2, V'1, V'0 where:
- U'i = f (Ui)
- V'i = f (Vi)
The fonction f(x) decomposes the input value x (a byte) in base-4:
x = a3.43 + a2.42 + a1.41 + a0.40 = a3.64 + a2.16 + a1.4 + a0
Then for each ai, we compute the corresponding bi:
- ai = 0 ⇒ bi = 0
- ai = 1 ⇒ bi = 1
- ai = 2 ⇒ bi = 4
- ai = 3 ⇒ bi = 5
where bi are the coefficients of the output value in base-16.
The output value y = f(x) is computed as follows:
y = b3.4096 + b2.256 + b1.16 + b0
For example, f(0x4B) gives:
a3 = 1, a2 = 0, a1 = 2, a0 = 3 (0x4B = 75 = 1 x 64 + 0 x 16 + 2 x 4 + 3)
So we have b3 = 1, b2 = 0, b1 = 4, b0 = 5
and the output value is: 1 x 4096 + 0 x 256 + 4 x 16 + 5 = 4165 = 0x1045
We now know how to compute U'i and V'i.
Let's have:
A = (2 << (2 * Level)) + 2 * (V'1 * 65536 + V'0) + (U'1 * 65536 + U'0)
B = 2 * (V'3 * 65536 + V'2) + (U'3 * 65536 + U'2)
where A and B are the 2 output DWORD values.
The value A goes at offset 0 of the subsection.
The value B goes at offset 4 of the subsection.
Note: Because of the (2 << (2 * Level))
part and because the A is a DWORD, the maximum QMID level is 15.
Lets' take our previous example with QMID (13,1819,1012).
1819 = 0x71B and 1012 = 0x3F4.
so U0 = 0x1B, U1 = 0x07, V0 = 0xF4 and V1 = 0x03. Other values are 0x00.
The conversion gives:
U'0 = 0x145, U'1 = 0x15, V'0 = 0x5510 and V'1 = 0x05. Other values are 0x00.
2 << (2 * Level) = 2 << 26 = 0x8000000.
So A = 0x8000000 + 2 *(0x00055510) + 0x00150145 = 0x81FAB65
and B = 0x00
Getting QMID from DWORD values
The algorithm takes 2 DWORD values (A and B) as input and produces the QMID data (u, v and l) as output.
For the header and some subsections, the 2nd DWORD value (B) is zero.
The level value can be deduced from the A value since for each level there is a maximum value of u and v and hence a maximum value of A. (The minimum value is 0)
Umax = 3 * 2Level-2 - 1
Vmax = 2Level-1 - 1
Level | Umax | Vmax | Amin | Amax |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0x02 | 0x02 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0x08 | 0x08 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 0x20 | 0x26 |
3 | 5 | 3 | 0x80 | 0x9B |
4 | 11 | 7 | 0x200 | 0x26F |
5 | 23 | 15 | 0x800 | 0x9BF |
6 | 47 | 31 | 0x2000 | 0x26FF |
7 | 95 | 63 | 0x8000 | 0x9BFF |
8 | 191 | 127 | 0x20000 | 0x26FFF |
9 | 383 | 255 | 0x80000 | 0x9BFFF |
10 | 767 | 511 | 0x200000 | 0x26FFFF |
11 | 1535 | 1023 | 0x800000 | 0x9BFFFF |
12 | 3071 | 2047 | 0x2000000 | 0x26FFFFF |
13 | 6143 | 4095 | 0x8000000 | 0x9BFFFFF |
14 | 12287 | 8191 | 0x20000000 | 0x26FFFFFF |
15 | 24575 | 16383 | 0x80000000 | 0x9BFFFFFF |
The level can be deduced from A by finding the range where Amin ≤ A ≤ Amax. Note that Amin = (2 << (2 * Level).
We have 2 equations:
- A - (2<< (2 * Level) = 2 * (V'1 * 65536 + V'0) + (U'1 * 65536 + U'0)
- B = 2 * (V'3 * 65536 + V'2) + U'2 + (U'3 * 65536)
Both equations are in the form : Σ = 2 * β + α
So how do we differentiate α and β ?
The trick is to remember that the U' and V' values were generated using only the 0,1,4 and 5 digits.
The table below shows you what happens when you add these digits using Σ = 2 * β + α
α | |||||
0 | 1 | 4 | 5 | ||
β | 2 * β | ||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 6 | 7 |
4 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 12 | 13 |
5 | 10 | 10 | 11 | 14 | 15 |
So any addition in the form of Σ = 2 * β+ α yields a unique result in the range [0..15]. Knowing the result Σ, we are able to retrieve α and β.
We have the equation A - (2<< (2 * Level) = 2 * V'+ U'. (bytes 0 and 1)
Hence if we take each byte of this value, we are able to retrieve each bi of U' (α) and V' (β).
Same thing for the equation B = 2 * V' + U' (bytes 2 and 3).
Once we have the bi, we can deduce the ai values and restore the original Ui and Vi values.
Note: You may want to have an array of precomputed values if you are using this algorithm intensively.
Lets' take our previous example with A = 0x81FAB65 and B = 0.
Since B = 0 we already know that U3 = U2 = V3 = V2 = 0.
0x8000000 ≤ 0x81FAB65 ≤ 0x9BFFFFF so Level = 13
A - (2<< (2 * Level) = 0x1FAB65
The hexadecimal digit A (10d) can only be obtained when α = 5 and β = 0 (see table above).
U'1 + 2 * V'0 | U'0 + 2 * V'0 | |||||||
A ⇒ | 0 | 0 | 1 | F | A | B | 6 | 5 |
ui = β | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 5 |
vi = α | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 0 |
b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
So for U'0, we have:
- b3 = 0 ⇒ a3 = 0
- b2 = 1 ⇒ a2 = 1
- b1 = 4 ⇒ a1 = 2
- b0 = 5 ⇒ a0 = 3
⇒ U0 = 0 * 43 + 1 * 42 + 2 * 41 0 1 * 30 = 27d = 0x1B
For U'1, we have:
- b3 = 0 ⇒ a3 = 0
- b2 = 0 ⇒ a2 = 0
- b1 = 1 ⇒ a1 = 1
- b0 = 5 ⇒ a0 = 3
⇒ U1 = 0 * 43 + 0 * 42 + 1 * 41 0 1 * 30 = 7d = 0x07
so U = 0x071B
You got the idea: it's the same for V.
A simpler algorithm can be:
public static Qmid CalcQmidFromDwords(UInt32 dwordA, UInt32 dwordB) { var v = 0; var u = 0; var cnt = 0x1F; var workDwordA = dwordA; var workDwordB = dwordB; while (cnt > 0 && (workDwordB & 0x80000000) == 0) { workDwordB <<= 2; workDwordB += (workDwordA & 0xC0000000) >> 30; workDwordA += workDwordA; workDwordA += workDwordA; cnt--; } workDwordB &= 0x7FFFFFFF; var level = cnt; while (cnt >= 0) { if ((workDwordB & 0x80000000) != 0) { v += (1 << cnt); } if ((workDwordB & 0x40000000) != 0) { u += (1 << cnt); } workDwordB <<= 2; workDwordB += (workDwordA & 0xC0000000) >> 30; workDwordA += workDwordA; workDwordA += workDwordA; cnt--; } return new Qmid(u, v, level); }
How are the header QMIDs computed?
The following algorithms apply only to APX*.bgl (Airport), ATX*.bgl (Waypoint), BRX*.bgl (Extrusion Bridge), NVX*.bgl (Nav), OBX*.bgl (SceneryObject) and BNX*.bgl (Boundary) files.
For these files, the maximum level value is 9.
To compute the QMID values that will be stored in the header, one must gather all the subsection's QMID values for the following sections:
- Airport
- Nav
- Ndb
- Marker
- Boundary
- Waypoint
- Geopol
- SceneryObject
Then the computation flow is :
Delta Decompression Algorithm
public List<byte> DeltaDecompress(byte[] source, int destinationSize) { var output = new List<byte>(); var sourceIndex = 0; if ((destinationSize % 2) == 1) { // Destination size is odd output.Add(source[0]); sourceIndex++; destinationSize--; } if (destinationSize > 0) { var curSourceValue = BitConverter.ToUInt16(source, sourceIndex); // Read WORD from source buffer // Copy WORD to destination buffer output.Add(source[sourceIndex]); output.Add(source[sourceIndex + 1]); sourceIndex += 2; var cnt = (destinationSize >> 1) - 1; if (cnt != 0) { for (;;) { UInt16 addedValue; if (source[sourceIndex] == 0x80) { addedValue = BitConverter.ToUInt16(source, sourceIndex + 1); sourceIndex += 3; } else if (source[sourceIndex] == 0x81) { addedValue = (UInt16) (curSourceValue - source[sourceIndex + 1] - 0x7E); sourceIndex += 2; } else if (source[sourceIndex] == 0x82) { addedValue = (UInt16) (curSourceValue + source[sourceIndex + 1] + 0x80); sourceIndex += 2; } else { if (source[sourceIndex] > 0x7F) { addedValue = (UInt16)(curSourceValue + (UInt16)(source[sourceIndex] + 0xFF00)); } else { addedValue = (UInt16)(curSourceValue + source[sourceIndex]); } sourceIndex++; } output.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(addedValue)); curSourceValue = addedValue; cnt--; if (0 == cnt) { return output; } } } } return output ; }
LZ1 (LZ77) Decompression Algorithm
Algorithm: while output count < expected output size { flag = Read 2 bits ; // possible values : 0,1,2,3 if (flag == 1) { output the next 7 bits (as byte) + 0x80 } else if (flag == 2) { output the next 7 bits (as byte) } else { // flag = 0 or 3 // This is a sequence already stored in the output buffer // Retrieve the offset of where this sequence is stored. if (flag == 0) { existingSequenceOffset = Read next 6 bits } else { if (next bit == 0) { existingSequenceOffset = 0x40 + Read next 8 bits } else { existingSequenceOffset = 0x140 + Read next 12 bits } if (existingSequenceOffset != 0x113F) { // Now get existing sequence length var nbBitsToRead = 0; while (0 == read next bit) { nbBitsToRead++; } if (nbBitsToRead == 0) { sequenceLength = 2; } else { sequenceLength = (read next <nbBitsToRead> bits) + 1 + (2 ^ nbBitsToRead) } backward output <sequenceLength> bytes from existingSequenceOffset } } } } Reading bits: Bits are read from the bits pool from right to left (<-) When there is not enough bits in the bits pool, data is read from the source buffer and each byte is prepended (to the left) to the bits pool Backward output: nbBytesToCopy = sequenceLength index = output count - existingSequenceOffset while (nbBytesToCopy > 0) { output byte at outputBuffer[index] index++; nbBytesToCopy--; }
LZ2 (LZ78) Decompression Algorithm
Algorithm: while output count < expected output size { if (ReadNextBit = 0) { output the next 7 bits (as byte) } else { if (ReadNextBit != 0) { output the next 7 bits (as byte) + 0x80 } else { // Read existingSequenceOffset value if (ReadNextBit = 0) { existingSequenceOffset = read next 6 bits } else { if (ReadNextBit = 0) { existingSequenceOffset = (read next 8 bits) + 0x40 } else { existingSequenceOffset = (read next 12 bits) + 0x140 } } if (existingSequenceOffset != 0x113F) { nbBitsToGet = 0 while (ReadNextBit = 0) { nbBitsToGet++; } if (nbBitsToGet != 0) { sequenceLength = (ReadNext <nbBitsToGet> bits) + (2 ^ nbBitsToGet) + 2 } else { sequenceLength = 3 ; } backward output <sequenceLength> bytes from existingSequenceOffset } } } } Reading bits: Bits are read from the bits pool from right to left (<-) When there is not enough bits in the bits pool, data is read from the source buffer and each byte is prepended (to the left) to the bits pool Backward output: nbBytesToCopy = sequenceLength index = output count - existingSequenceOffset while (nbBytesToCopy > 0) { output byte at outputBuffer[index] index++; nbBytesToCopy--; }
Bitpack Decompression Algorithm
The decompression algorithm is a recursive one. It divides the original matrix until a sufficient size (<= 8) is reached and then applies the decompression to the smaller matrix.
Note : Bits are read from the LSB to the MSB of the byte (from right to left)
First, 5 values are read. These values are the parameters of the decompression algorithm:
Parameter | Size in bits |
nbBytesForInitialAddValue | 8 (1 byte) |
nbShifts | 8 (1 byte) |
initialAddValue | 8 x nbBytesForInitialAddValue (nbBytesForInitialAddValue bytes) |
nbBitsToGetPerData | 4 |
maxBitsPerValueRead | 4 |
At this point (3 + nbBytesForInitialAddValue) have been read.
Then the matrix, as defined in the TRQ1 Record is divided in 16 parts:
- the rows are divided by 4. If the number of rows is not a multiple a 4, the last part is the biggest (for example, 257 will give 64,64,64 and 65).
- the columns are divided by 4 (same as above)
foreach (rowpart) /* 4 times */ { foreach (columnpart) /* 4 times */ { populateDecompressedBuffer(rowPart,columnPart,parameters) } }
This piece of code may be called recursively (each time, the matrix being subdivided into 16 smaller parts) until a correct size (<= 8) is reached.
See C# code below:
internal List<byte> Decompress(byte[] record, int outputSize, TerrainMatrixParam matrixParams) { var nbRows = matrixParams.NbRows; var nbColumns = matrixParams.NbColumns; var targetIndex = 0; _sourceBuffer = record; _sourceIndex = 0; _nbRead = 0; _nbBitsNotProcessed = 0; _outputBuffer = new byte[outputSize]; if (null == record || 0 == record.Length) { return null; } _nbRemainingBits = 8 * record.Length; _nbBitsNotProcessed = 8; Int32 nbBytesForInitialAddValue; var b = getNext_N_SourceBits(8, out nbBytesForInitialAddValue); Int32 nbShifts; b &= getNext_N_SourceBits(8, out nbShifts); Int32 initialAddValue; b &= getNext_N_SourceBits(8 * nbBytesForInitialAddValue, out initialAddValue); Int32 nbBitsToGetPerData; b &= getNext_N_SourceBits(4, out nbBitsToGetPerData); Int32 maxBitsPerValueRead; b &= getNext_N_SourceBits(4, out maxBitsPerValueRead); if (maxBitsPerValueRead == 0) { maxBitsPerValueRead = 16; } var nbRowsPerRowIteration = nbRows / 4; var nbColumnsPerColumnIteration = nbColumns/4; var bytesInterval = nbRowsPerRowIteration * nbColumns; var nbColumnsForLastColumnIteration = (nbColumns % 4); var nbRowsForLastRowIteration = (nbRows % 4); for (var rowIteration = 0; rowIteration < 4; rowIteration++) { var nbRowsToProcess = nbRowsPerRowIteration; if (rowIteration == 3) { // Last row iteration nbRowsToProcess += nbRowsForLastRowIteration; } for (var columnIteration = 0; columnIteration < 4; columnIteration++) { var copyCountPerRow = nbColumnsPerColumnIteration; if (columnIteration == 3) { // Last Column Iteration copyCountPerRow += nbColumnsForLastColumnIteration ; } b &= populateDecompressedBuffer(targetIndex + columnIteration * (nbColumns / 4), nbColumns, initialAddValue, nbBitsToGetPerData, copyCountPerRow, nbRowsToProcess, nbShifts, maxBitsPerValueRead); } targetIndex += bytesInterval; } if (_nbBitsNotProcessed != 8) { _nbRead++; } if (_nbRead != record.Length) { return null; } return _outputBuffer.ToList(); } private bool populateDecompressedBuffer(int startRowCopyIndex, int nbColumnsPerRow, int addValue, int nbBitsToGetPerData, int nbBytesToOutputPerRow, int nbRowsToProcess, int nbShifts, int maxBitsPerValueRead) { int copyData, nbBitsPerValueRead; // Read copyData var b = getNext_N_SourceBits(Math.Min(nbBitsToGetPerData, 8), out copyData); // Read nbBitsPerValueRead // if 0, will copy value as is b &= getNext_N_SourceBits(4, out nbBitsPerValueRead); var nbAdditionalShift = (nbBitsToGetPerData <= 8) ? 0 : nbBitsToGetPerData - 8; var valueToCopy = (copyData << ((nbShifts + nbAdditionalShift) & 0xFF)) + addValue; if (nbBitsPerValueRead == 0) { //------------------------------- // Identical value to be repeated //------------------------------- targetSetIdenticalValue(startRowCopyIndex, (byte)valueToCopy, nbRowsToProcess, nbColumnsPerRow, nbBytesToOutputPerRow); return b; } // Copy will handle only blocks 8 x 8 otherwise recursive call if (nbBytesToOutputPerRow < 8 || nbRowsToProcess < 8) { if (nbBitsPerValueRead > maxBitsPerValueRead) { nbBitsPerValueRead = maxBitsPerValueRead; } //------------------- // Values Read And Set //------------------- b &= targetReadAndSetValue(startRowCopyIndex, nbRowsToProcess,nbColumnsPerRow, nbBytesToOutputPerRow, valueToCopy, nbBitsPerValueRead, nbShifts); return b; } //-------------------------------------------- // RECURSIVE CALL for a square 4 times smaller //-------------------------------------------- var nbRowsPerRowIteration = nbRowsToProcess / 4; var nbRowsForLastRowIteration = nbRowsToProcess % 4; var bytesInterval = nbRowsPerRowIteration * nbColumnsPerRow; var nbColumnsPerColumnIteration = nbBytesToOutputPerRow / 4; var nbColumnsForLastColumnIteration = nbBytesToOutputPerRow % 4; for (var rowIteration = 0; rowIteration < 4; rowIteration++) { nbRowsToProcess = nbRowsPerRowIteration; if (rowIteration == 3) { // Last row iteration nbRowsToProcess += nbRowsForLastRowIteration; } var rowStartIndex = startRowCopyIndex; for (var columnIteration = 0; columnIteration < 4; columnIteration++) { nbBytesToOutputPerRow = nbColumnsPerColumnIteration; if (columnIteration == 3) { nbBytesToOutputPerRow += nbColumnsForLastColumnIteration; } b &= populateDecompressedBuffer(rowStartIndex, nbColumnsPerRow, valueToCopy, nbBitsPerValueRead, nbBytesToOutputPerRow, nbRowsToProcess, nbShifts, maxBitsPerValueRead); rowStartIndex += nbColumnsPerColumnIteration; // Next row } startRowCopyIndex += bytesInterval; } return b; } private void targetSetIdenticalValue(int startRowCopyIndex, byte valueToCopy, int nbRowsToProcess, int nbColumnsPerRow, int nbRepeatPerRow) { if (nbRepeatPerRow > 0) { var srclist = new List<byte>(nbRepeatPerRow); srclist.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(valueToCopy, nbRepeatPerRow)); var srcArray = srclist.ToArray(); while (nbRowsToProcess > 0) { // copy <valueToCopy> <cnt> times starting at the current position (current row) Buffer.BlockCopy(srcArray, 0, _outputBuffer, startRowCopyIndex, nbRepeatPerRow); nbRowsToProcess--; startRowCopyIndex += nbColumnsPerRow; } } } private bool targetReadAndSetValue(int startRowCopyIndex, int nbRowsToProcess, int nbColumnsPerRow, int nbBytesToOutputPerRow, int addValue, int nbBitsPerRead, int nbShiftsLeft) { // nbBitsPerRead = nb bits per value to read // nbShiftsLeft = number of times to shift the read value to the left before adding the <addValue> if (nbRowsToProcess < 0) { return true; } for (var i = 0; i < nbRowsToProcess; i++, startRowCopyIndex += nbColumnsPerRow) { for (var j = 0; j < nbBytesToOutputPerRow; j++) { Int32 srcValue; if (false == getNext_N_SourceBits (nbBitsPerRead, out srcValue)) { return false; } var byteValue = (byte)(((srcValue << nbShiftsLeft) + addValue) & 0xFF); // copy AL to output buffer _outputBuffer[startRowCopyIndex + j] = byteValue; } } return true; } private bool getNext_N_SourceBits(int nbBitsToGet, out Int32 retValue) { // Read always the LSB bits first retValue = 0; if (_nbRemainingBits < nbBitsToGet) { return false; } if (nbBitsToGet > 0) { _nbRemainingBits -= nbBitsToGet; var nbRightShift = 8 - _nbBitsNotProcessed; if (_nbBitsNotProcessed <= nbBitsToGet) { retValue = _sourceBuffer[_sourceIndex] >> nbRightShift; nbRightShift = _nbBitsNotProcessed; // keep for later _sourceIndex++; _nbRead++; var nbBitsStillToGet = nbBitsToGet - _nbBitsNotProcessed; _nbBitsNotProcessed = 8; if (nbBitsStillToGet <= 0) { return true; } while (nbBitsStillToGet > 0) { var sourceByteValue = _sourceBuffer[_sourceIndex]; if (nbBitsStillToGet < 8) { retValue |= ((sourceByteValue & (1 << nbBitsStillToGet) - 1) << nbRightShift); _nbBitsNotProcessed -= nbBitsStillToGet; return true; } sourceByteValue >>= nbRightShift; retValue |= sourceByteValue; _sourceIndex++; _nbRead++; nbBitsStillToGet -= _nbBitsNotProcessed; // ESI = nbBitsStillToGet ? nbRightShift += _nbBitsNotProcessed; _nbBitsNotProcessed = 8; } return true; } retValue = (_sourceBuffer[_sourceIndex] >> nbRightShift) & ((1 << nbBitsToGet) - 1); _nbBitsNotProcessed -= nbBitsToGet; return true; } return true; }