• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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  • Thanks, arno.
    I'll try the Library Creator XML thingy if it's not too complicated.
    However, a simple example with the detailed steps would be ideal for a thicko like me.
    It's a quite easy to use tool, so just give it a try :)

    The manual on the wiki is still for version 2.0 (development release is 3.0), so that's a bit outdated I'm afraid.
    Hello, arno,
    I just want to put a few model files into my scenery with ADE, but the files need to be in BGL format and most files are MDL format. I just need to convert them to BGL. So far I have had no success with modelconverterx, probably due to inexperience. It is an impressive programme, but I have had no luck so far.
    The Export nodel button gives a dozen file types, but not BGL.
    Hi, if you use export scenery you will find BGL as possible file type.

    But if you have the MDL files already Library Creator XML might be an easier tool to just pack them into a library BGL.
    I am sorry to bother you, but I am unsure of what my problem is, so I am turning to you for advice as to where to get help. I am suddenly getting green cubes around the fueling stations at my airports. I am at a loss as to the cause. Can you tell me where to turn for help?

    Thank you

    Hi Arno, I am wondering if you are interested or available for a new FS project / Tool creation? If so I would be happy to hear from you and also discuss remuneration for this. You can send me an email to seqcoaaustralia@yahoo.com.au I would prefer not to make this a public discussion.
    I often seem to miss these profile posts, but I'll send you an email.
    Hello Arno, I'am not shure what's happend but my birthday is wrong ... (5 May 1969 )
    Correct is 25 May 1969
    I have corrected the date now.
    Hi Arno Thanks for your help, but strange strange very strange! The copyright document says:"The scenery may not be distributed as part of compilation DVD's or Bluray disks, or published as part of a magazine, or in any other form without prior written permission of NL2000 and it's individual members."
    What's strange about that? It says you can't redistribute it without permission. That's quite normal condition for freeware scenery.
    Hi Arno. I know that you are nl2000's member, so I wanted to ask you something: Where can I find the team's e-mail for written permission to use nl2000's library for my freeware scenery? Because I can't find it on the website, so if you could tell me,that would be great.

    Thank you for your patience

    Andrea Deplano

    I'm no longer a member of the NL2000 team for a few years already. So actually I don't know if their support email address has changed. I'll PM you the email of one of the members and then he can help you further.
    But unless the teams position has changed, I don't think you'll get permission to distribute the library with your scenery.

    Hello arno. Can you inform where can I find a software to apply the effect created by FXEditor? Do you know abaut tutorial about that too? Many thanks.
    Once you have made an effect you can either place it at a fixed location with BGLComp. You need to write some XML code for that. Tools like ADE, WhisPlacer also give you a graphical user interface to place the effects in your scenery.
    Or you can attach it to a MDL file and then it will be placed together with the model. ModelConverterX can do the attaching, or you can do it in a tool like GMax when you make the model.
    Hello Arno,

    I just want to thank you for ModelConverterX.
    I was interested in FireFighterX, which is allegedly a FPS killer. So I added 30 forest fire effects to a scenery with MDX’s “add effect” tool in no time. And the result is that such a wildfire doesn’t harm my FPS too much. I have then bought the module with a worry-free mind!
    So thank you for providing these useful tools to the community!

    Best regards,
    hey arno i am planning to build a ww2 airport however i am confuse is it legal or ilegal as i will be using an aerodrome background from the 40s 50s greyscale that i found online...obviously i will be doing an overhaul of this image as it is too small ecc.

    jean paul
    Hi, I recently downloaded your RADItor program to resolve some issues with external view of AI aircraft. I received a "The MDL was not of the expected format". I am assuming this was because they were FS9 models because it worked okay for the default MS FSX aircraft. Any chance you have a version, or suggestion for how to handle FS9 aircraft?

    Hi Arno
    Just started using ModelConverterX.
    Only one comment : "Wow!"
    And I'm just scratching the surface... Good job!
    - Hi Arno.
    I'm using Sketchup 8 and MCX ver 1.2.and everything works ok. I downloaded MCX ver 1.3 and I get the following error when I import my .dae file.
    Null Reference Exception
    This happens also with any other drawing as simple as a box.
    hey arno...can I use cgtextures for commercial use...can I edit them...can I leave them as downloaded...can I use how much I want or there is a limited number....I am confused as reading their license..can I use them for the whol project as the real airfield is closed....

    thanks a lot,
    Hi Arno.I am having problems importing any model file type into mcx, it gives me a error message saying unhandled exception has occured. Is there a fix for this
    Hello Arno. Is it possible some help about this subject? Did you ever see a massage like this: "SCASM is a Win32 console application and needs command parameters. Please open a console windows (DOS Box) to enter a command line
    or use SCASM through a font and application".
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