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Hi folks,
I have managed to get an XML gauge to work that uses the fs9gps TrafficInfo to retrieve AI positions. All it needs to do is to write bearing, distance, altitude to L: Vars. The gauge has no visible output.
Can anybody tell me how I can modify the code to allow for e.g. 15 aircraft to be polled (without paste & copy), I'm thinking of an array.
It seems arrays are a difficult topic in XML?
I have managed to get an XML gauge to work that uses the fs9gps TrafficInfo to retrieve AI positions. All it needs to do is to write bearing, distance, altitude to L: Vars. The gauge has no visible output.
Can anybody tell me how I can modify the code to allow for e.g. 15 aircraft to be polled (without paste & copy), I'm thinking of an array.
It seems arrays are a difficult topic in XML?
<Gauge Name="TrafficInfoTW" Version="1.0">
<Size X="400" Y="300" />
<Update Frequency="2" Hidden="No">
16 (>C:ITrafficInfo:Filter, enum) <!-- Bit 4: TRAFFIC_FILTER_IN_AIR
15 (>C:ITrafficInfo:Radius,nmiles)
20 (>C:ITrafficInfo:MaxVehicles)
0 d (>C:ITrafficInfo:CurrentVehicle,enum)
(A:PLANE LATITUDE,degrees) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLatitude1,degrees)
(A:PLANE LONGITUDE,degrees) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLongitude1,degrees)
(C:ITrafficInfo:S:PLANE LATITUDE,degrees) (>L:temp_lat,degrees)
(L:temp_lat) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLatitude2,degrees)
(C:ITrafficInfo:S:PLANE LONGITUDE,degrees) (>L:temp_lon,degrees)
(L:temp_lon,degrees) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLongitude2,degrees)
(C:fs9gps:GeoCalcBearing,degrees) (>L:TCAS_bearing_0,degrees)
(C:fs9gps:GeoCalcDistance,nmiles) (>L:TCAS_distance_0,nmiles)
(C:ITrafficInfo:S:PLANE ALTITUDE, feet) (>L:TCAS_altitude_0, feet)