• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.


  1. A

    MSFS20 Amending the Airport ICAO

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to change the ICAO of an airport, step by step for MSFS. I've done it with the previous sims (P3D & FSX), but not truely understanding the development area of MSFS. I've done the following on the xml when I've just created a project, but have no idea what to...
  2. F

    Fire Extinguish gauge for 4 engine propeller aircraft

    Hi dear reader, I am struggling to get working fire extinguisher gauges for a 4 engine propeller aircraft in Prepar3D v4.5 It is for Jens Boden Kristensen's Douglas C-124 converted for native FSX by LLS. I have been transferring working code in the Boeing 707 by FSND (aka Alrot) However the...
  3. hieronymus

    Extending the menu

    Hi, Thanks in advance for replying. I would like to extend the Menu in MSFS2020, which SDK should i use for that? Same question for If i want to create a text input? Is there a way to create a in program UI?
  4. spatialpro

    MSFS20 Only LOD 0 created (should be 4x LOD)... why?!?!

    I have a scenery object created in Blender. I'm using the Asobo official MSFS Blender exporter. I have four LOD for the object, for which the Collection names end in: *_LOD0 *_LOD1 *_LOD2 *_LOD3 The Multi-Export gLTF 2.0 correctly identifies these as different LOD. I add in the LOD Value (for...
  5. spatialpro

    MSFS20 Build/compile glTF and placements in XML all at once with fspackagetool.exe?

    I have multiple models exported from Blender as glTF. I'd like to place each of the models hundreds of times across hundreds of kilometres. I already have a pre-defined list of coordinates (in WGS84), elevations and orientations for all the locations (currently saved as CSV, but I plan on adding...
  6. ozzman1997

    MSFS20 "Component_ID" in behaviors XML

    It's been a while since I've posted here asking for advice...Hopefully all of you have been doing great. For the last couple of days I've been trying to wrap my mind around the new "model behaviors" system in MSFS and, as usual, reading the SDK documentation has left me with more questions...
  7. S

    VC Gauge Not Display

    Hi guys, I have a problem with a gauge, more specificly with a transition of text. I have a panel light that anounces about few systems on the plane. The problem is when I trying to display the text but in differents colours, green for good an orange for a something its wrong. Frist I use this...
  8. A_day

    How to write ils approach xml code?

    https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/coding-xml-sids-stars-approaches-a-small-tutorial.449969/ By examining the example in the link, I wanted to write SID, STAR and Approach codes for my airport, but I couldn't. In the example in the link, ils is entered on a waypoint. At my airport, ils is...
  9. A

    MSFS20 XML Event Trigger

    Hello, I'm stuck and cannot get an event to trigger. I have a drone with multiple engines and want the drone to go into a sort of safe mode if one engine fails, safe mode being a hover at first. This is the code I tried and nothing happens when engine 1's RPM falls below 100 RPM: <!--...
  10. Socorrista22198

    MSFS20 Write random value 0 or 1 in xml

    Greetings, I've modded an aircraft to be AI stationary version and works fine. But now I would like the aircraft sometimes spawns with the main door open, and sometimes closed, randomly. The animation that control it in the original version aircraft is: <UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_GT_Anim_Code"...
  11. Krisz707

    P3D v5 p3d specific XML syntax check in notepad++..?

    Hi Guys. hope im asking at the right place. so my general question, did anybody do a wordlist or [user defined language] for notepad++ so it would light up the all types of Variables and maybe other important syntax elements for a specific P3D version? is this possible anyway? or is it...
  12. M

    Help with animation driven with XML or WASM

    Hello folks, I've got a decent amount of work for porting over helicopters. If one of you guys can help with the animation, this would be long-term relationship for more than years. They are all about steam gauge easy animations. Please let me know if you can help. I would like to get senior...
  13. Rotornut44

    MSFS20 Set LVar value to 1 without update code?

    This is a duplicate of my thread on the DevSupport Forums. Posting here to try to reach more people who might know an answer to this... Is there a way that I can set a LocalVar to a value of 1 without relying on update code in the XML? I need to pass a 1 for an LVar in my scenery simobject...
  14. RED COOL

    MSFS20 MSFS Visibility conditions

    Hello I'm trying to implement visibility conditions into my simobjects I've tried many codes with many structures (old p3d/fsx partinfo sections and new behavior/component sections) but nothing seems to work I've read a topic showcasing the code structure but still no result here is my test...
  15. B

    MSFS20 How to edit a BGL scenery

    Hello, so I was trying to edit a scenery in BGL format to remove a couple of buildings from it, but I don't know where to start. I don't have any XML file or anything from it. All I have are 3 BGL files, and a texture folder. Any advice will be appreciated ^^
  16. D

    problem with xml object placement orientation (pitch,bank,heading)

    Hi, I want to transfer a scene from blender, but with each object having its unique placement in the xml file with a script i wrote. I'm getting a correct location of the objects , but the orientation is messed up. It seems that the degrees (euler xyz or anyother yxz,zxy etc) in blender are...
  17. E

    P3D v5 [Solved] Assign a variable to the initial page

    Hi everyone! I'm new in this forum and new to the development of gauges so I need an help. I'm making an EFB in XML (Code below) for a plane I'm modifying and I wanted to show a menu on the top left corner that changes depending on the page. I was able to get the first 2 pages with the menu...
  18. Photosbykev

    Services.xml file and removing all ground services from one airport

    Hi folks, I spend a lot of time developing bush strip sceneries and when I place a couple of parking spot Ramp-GA small I'm getting all the ground services appearing on adjacent spots, like pushback, marshallers, fuel and service trucks. In remote strips this breaks any sort of immersion. I...
  19. Christian Bahr

    MSFS20 Animations and Conditions

    Hi! At this point I would like to share my experiences about animations that can be controlled by conditions. This should only be the beginning, the hope is that many new and good ideas will emerge from it :) Let's take a hunter's hide as an example. The hunter's hide has two animations...
  20. tml

    MSFS20 ModelBehaviorDefs parameters with the Process attribute: evaluate at load-time or run-time?

    I had assumed that when a parameter declaration has the Process attribute, that means that the parameter value (the text inside the element) is a RPN expression, typically containing references to other parameters like #FOO#, to evaluate, to get the parameter's value. As in this example in the...