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P3D v4 PBR Decal order, disappearing layers based on zbias.


Resource contributor
Intriguing issue here.

TLDR; GP layers with PBR disappear based on zbias values.


I have a GP (processed through the GP Wizard of MCX and placed via SODE as an MDL) with 3 groups of layers:
A satellite image base layer. (Zbias 0)
A PBR layer overlay for conrete tile/asphalt areas. (Zbias 4)
A markings layer for everything on top. (Zbias 12 and above)
The PBR layer has 2 materials: one for concrete and one for asphalt.
The problem is, only 1 material shows up at a time. If I set the zbias to equal values only the concrete tile shows up (bottom image). If I set the value for the asphalt to be higher, only that one shows up (top image). I've tried a mix of high and low values for each. I can't get both of them to show up. However, if I remove all other layers and keep only the materials which are PBR, they both show up just fine.
The MDL is attached.

Any clues?


  • TBPB_GP.mdl
    809.2 KB · Views: 208
Couldn't figure out the issue but I got around it by making the the base satellite layer 10% transparent and placing the PBR layer below it so that the dynamic light reflection appears through it.