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Wrong Season Loads on Ground Poly


Resource contributor
I used MCX to add seasons to my Ground Poly. But whenever I reopen the BGL and set BGL_ZULU_DAY to anywhere between 335 and 31, instead of Fall textures, Winter is loaded. Same thing happens in sim. All other seasons work fine. Any ideas?

wrong seasons.png

Can you send me the SCASM output that is generated? Then I can check what is going on.
Never had a look at SCASM before but a quick look into the file reveals that the value range for 335 to 31 does not exist anywhere. Hope you can figure out why.
Along with the SCASM file, I've also attached the model I used and it's MGP file for the wizard in case you wanted to take a look.


  • 8_tpbpv2_photo_RS_seasonal.zip
    47.7 KB · Views: 286
Thanks, I'll check. The season that crosses new year is used as else condition and not mentioned explicitly.
Didn't have the time yet to check the code.
I found the error in the scasm code @arno .
Read through some threads and wikis and learnt the code. Turns out the "else" part of the code was calling the wrong material set. For example: 4, 12, and 20 were all WI textures for the first 3 polygons. When I changed them to 6, 14, and 22 and recompiled, the correct FA textures were called in the BGL. Turns out the fall and winter values were switched for some reason.

I hope you can figure out what caused the wrong material call in the first place. I'm off to change the rest of the values.

Good luck.
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Sounds like a bug in the GPW, I'll check what is going on.

I have found the bug in the code, so it will be fixed in the next build. There was indeed an issue when another season than winter was the one that span over the year border.